ok so maybe i did something during my move or my travels or maybe just by not stretching after i work out as well as i should. there is some serious tightness in my hamstrings that is causing my back pain. ive stretched them better the last two days and its not as bad. hopefully that solves the problem with the soreness/spasms that came up...
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What's your name on snapchat? you might have sent it while I was at work. If I'm at East, I have NO reception.
This week developed nicely, I got all my stuff moved into my new apartment yesterday thanks to the help of some great friends. Since my back surgery last october i've been dreading moving. They were waiting on me to get home yesterday and we got it done in less than two hours. I still have to get some shoes and some stuff out of the...
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I went to Peoria Il for the memorial day weekend, it was great to catch up with some good friends that i truly miss since moving from AL. We saw lots of great bands and although it rained a lot and was chilly, it was great to camp out and be in the woods. Super 8 didnt give me a wake up call that i...
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sounds like a sweet weekend. 

random ramblings: red rocks is announcing the film on the rocks schedule tomorrow, depending on the movies i may try to get a daytime shift and tell work i have to get a night during the week I signed a new lease on a much more modern (recently renovated, nicer appliances, cabinets/counters and floors) apartment today that allows dogs, but its not much bigger than...
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I work for a non profit and its terribly rewarding, so much so that i suffer in other areas of my life. I need to find a stable balance. it is nice to take long weekends around every holiday just because i can, but the evening schedule has killed my social life, i have friends here i have not seen in 9 months, maybe im...
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I'm a fan of taking days off work and hope to take one er two sometime soon. Doubtful, but I would love it. It is indeed fantastic to love your job though. 

figured id stop in and see whats happening with people here. lots has changed since i let my membership expire im sure.
Wakarusa was the vacation i needed. got headspun and listened to some great music for four days. met some great people, had an overall blast. now if i only had the money for another festival.
so last friday i was sitting in class. the teacher is telling a story about a guy who tears his achilles tendon. i was really into the story imagining the sounds and the look of this guys ankle and then i blacked out. fell out of my desk. landed face first on the floor. i woke up with people standing over me and the teacher...
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switchin it up old skool status. aye.
Haha WHODAT is right, my friend!

classes start back today. another good schedule this semester, even better than last semester. its still fucking cold. i miss birmingham when im here and i miss auburn when im there. i need a lot of free gas so i can drive back and forth at will. or a way to teleport. either would work.
bb king is a great escape
bb king is a great escape
haha, perhaps i do need a man instead of a boy.
you always crack me up dude.

so after going on the scuba trip to be certified i was only able to get the basic certification rather than the advanced. damn weather caused us to cancel three of the dives. im hoping when i return some of the gear i can get a refund or a credit towards another trip. either way i had a blast. i really needed a trip/vacation and...
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heh. heh. heh.
Made it to the keys this morning. A fresh 80 degrees and sunny is way welcome in comparison to the rainy cold alabama weather. In the next four days ill make 8 dives on wrecks reefs and open water. There will be a deep dive a night dive and navigation dive that should complete my advanced open water certification.
I finished the fall without failing...
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I finished the fall without failing...
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. Hahaha I tihnk tonight is going to be worst for shopping time

well im one exam away from finishing the semester. its french, im dreading it, i have not done what i need to do to be prepared. oh well. in other news, i am getting certified in scuba next week and cant wait til im in the keys in the warm weather again, i dont like this cold weather.
oh yeah microfiber underwear is amazing.
oh yeah microfiber underwear is amazing.
NJNJ has agreed to complete the "BURGER ME" mission. He is provisional member until said mission is completed and submitted video is posted here. NJ You have 30 days to complete this.
sooooooooooo true! immaculate conception IS amazing!
and i look forward to the outcome of your ''burger me'' mission.

and i look forward to the outcome of your ''burger me'' mission.