So, for Easter I went to the annual Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence party in Dolores Park, because noone does Easter bonnets like drag queens. And also because I love the fact that in their happily sacrilegious way, the Sisters have gone round the other side of reality and ended up right where Easter was supposed to be all along- a big fucking party to celebrate... Read More
Budget Crisis WTF. I had the following conversation today with an FBI forensics lab. Shortened for simplicity.
FBI: "We need a femur"
Me: "I only have one on hand, but it doesn't match what you are looking for. I can keep my eye out and let you know when one comes in that will work for you"
FBI:"That's fine. We can't get it right now... Read More
HOLY FUCKING SHIT.... and people wonder why our government is so wasteful. If you dont give them money to spend on upgrades for efficiency then they're stuck doing shit the hard way.
and PS, make sure to turn to a life of crime that the FBI actually would cover. Dont try growing cannabis, that'd be the DEA after you.... and dont try securities fraud on wall street, that'd be the SEC and although they're run by washouts who couldnt make it in brokerage houses the new tip line puts a big bounty on your head for other insiders to turn you in. Just kill people across state lines and you should be fine. Although as a capitalist I have to say, if you're good at something never do it for free
Everyone remember to go congratulate bean and Shal! In the years to come, I look forward to finding out what they tell people in answer to the inevitable "How did you guys meet?" question.
Yes, I'll be doing Wondercon again this year. I'll definitely be there Saturday, and maybe Sunday as well. Come by the booth and say 'hi'! I beleive you can also expect Bob, Dice, Squeak, Ridley, Dino and I bunch of the newer girls. I haven't seen Quinne's name on the list, but she knows how sad I'll be if she... Read More
I was awestruck meeting you yesterday! All of you girls are such sweethearts, and it was this geeks dream come true to meet you! Thanks Nixon! Amaz-z-zing!
I haven't been around for a while as I've mostly been busting ass making stuff for last weekend's Edwardian Ball in LA. I might finally have some spare time now! LA was lovely- I got to have breakfast with Voltaire, whom I hadn't seen in ages upon ages. She doesn't have dreads any more!
Now I get to dedicate the next few days... Read More
So, this showed up a few days ago outside TheRightBastard's apartment complex, and noone ever came looking for him. He has a microchip, but it was never registered. I suspect he got dumped there with the theory that it was a nice appartment complex, and someone would surely adopt him. And they were right! So, now I has chihuahua.
Stoopid dead battery. Does cold make batteries die? I didn't leave the lights on in the truck last night, but this morning it was dead as Hell. Had to snag a bus to work and didn't get home till after ten, so there's no dealing with it at the moment. Which means another bus in the morning. Grrrrr.
It's Em. Just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed the lecture Sam and I went to (woot dinosaurs). Also, I'm having a post-santa con / feliz navidad party on Sunday. It's tamales and movies all day long at my place...Sam has the info if you're interested!