I adore the pic you did of yourself! <3 I have No idea who made the hat, it was a gift and there are no labels or anything, but it is a funky hat, hats are rad <3. I love the red in your sleeve, love your sleeve, but I am sure I told you that before.
still pooling all my moola for burning man!
since my shifts at work have been cut ive had to whore my self out a bit n do random jobs for random ppl but at least it pays =]
hard at work:
100$ in 35 seconds!
also i havent slept yet for bout a day now though ive been more productive then ever! =D
I was having a pretty bad day on my bday to be honest but seriously, you calling it 'escape from womb day' made me really chuckle and I thank you for that. (I am having a much better day today though so I'm kind of (un?)officially claiming today as my rain check birthday lol. I appreciate the positive reinforcement. You seem to always bring out the best of a situation.
I hope you get to Burning Man! I have never been but I met it would be awesome! It's on my bucket list...
And your art is awesome...as I believe I've told you before.
Take care sweetie! Sorry I've been all over the place/inactive for a while. I do appreciate your comments though! Talk soon? x
Omg, Christopher Walken only has one like 10 minute scene in True Romance but it's fucking EPIC, he plays the head of a mob family, so so so good. And Samuel L Jackson has a really small like 2 minute part too haha. You definitely gotta see it!