Hot Damn!
Question of the day..."How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop...and why?
Oh and a vomit smiley... puke
you must also join the new ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US group
The new group should be on the third page of groups, it's pretty new so it doesn't have a lot of members yet. Olivia owns it so maybe you can go to her groups tab in her profile and enter from there.
Holy Crap in a hat! I finally got some sort of picture up on my profile. It's blurry and a cartoon, but now everyone in the world has to come and be my friend! Woohoo!
Oh and just so people will have something to say here's a little question:
What was the last nice thing you did for someone?

haha, uhm, cause I'm perverted...today I showed Floptarded your strongbad animation and it was super funny to see him try to dance like that. Try it, you'll see, it's a difficult move.
No link to homestarrunner.net...uh, .com in your profile?
First off everyone who sees this should read my journal and reply...I don't have nearly enough people responding to my stupid crap or on my friend's list...(hope that worked)

So, I've been boning up on my acting stuff as of late and one of things I've been doing is seeing as many movies as possible.
I just saw Dr. Strangelove for the 1st time and...
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put up a picture, people like looking at pictures hence you will get more visitors which=more comments.
have you been posting like a madman on the boards? that also gets you some visitors. I know from experience, I'm soo obsessed with this site it's not even funy, in fact it's quite sad.
strong bad ha ha, I hear he's funny.
there are a lot of movies ive never seen yet
dont feel bad.
i would've watched movies today
we were out of popcorn
Met a girl, she's moving to the other side of the country next weekend. It's always fucking something.

oh and I like the vomit smiley... puke puke puke
isnt that the truth.
all the good people seem to go far away.
maybe we smell? i dunno.
SG chat has had a wonderful side effect for me. No not blindness from staring at my screen too long, but my being able to play Yahoo Chess again.
I hadn't been able to get the chess program to load and had just given up, then when I had to change a couple of things to get my computer to accept SG chat, I...
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Ok, I already wrote most of this on the board, but I wanted to put it here as well...

"I'm not sure why this made me so happy but...
I was walking home (NYC) and I passed a radio shack, it was around 11PM so the store was closed and for some reason they were getting rid of a lot of their toy-like stuff. So...
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