ok so I have my phone back.
Long story and I dont want to go into it. Lets just say that crappy Verizon is gone and crappy Cricket is in.
Its gonna be $150 cheaper each month so I shouldnt... Read More
no more verizon? awww, now i cant text ya for free anymore!
so what exactly is the new job and what will you be doing? that is wicked awesome that you will be working from home, and that is quite a pay increase. good for you!
OMG you guys are TOO funny!! LOL
For the record, I ATE it once, threw it up 3 times, and honestly I really thought I was dying!! No more Chicken Mashed Potato bowls for ME!!!
So I am alive and well. No zombie fishy!!
On to the IMPORTANT stuff!!
a big LOL on the tattoo, but i must say i disagree on the banner, the whole pic is quite good. especially the placement . and i'm glad your foot is on the mend - a little pain goes a loooong way.
I am sorry to inform you all that Pisces101 has not only left the building, but she died today suddenly from KFC.
She enjoyed it for the 3rd time today until her insides exploded and there was a gigantic mess of intestines all over the house. Complete with entrails covering her two precious kitties.
NO she did NOT drink the bathwater, she ate the chicken... Read More
I know I know pictures tomorrow I promise! I just want to get those few hairs cut off my neck. Since I cant seem to get to Canada for my drunkin haircut!
I am so nervous for my needle procedure tomorrow. I know I WILL be fine but i am worried about the time BEFORE I am fine. Sigh a needle in the back does... Read More
I just got the best gift EVER!
No unusual requests for anything.
No strings attached.
Just a great friend that did something nice for me.
I promised I wouldn't say who or what and I keep my promises so please dont ask.
I just really wanted to tell everyone that there are WONDERFUL ppl out there that do amazing things. They are the fantastic ppl... Read More
No updates on the job OR the utility war. I say WAR because i have had many battles and have won a few and lost a few and now we are at war. No worries, I intend to win one way or another!!
I got a phone call from UPS. I am getting a package tomorrow, but I dont know what it is...I LOVE surprises!!... Read More
They got in early this morning, and I already want to strangle my mother I've been renting this place from them while they've been in Florida, and a few months ago they heard the places were selling for $190k, so they put this place on the market. Now they suddenly want to redo the upstairs bathroom in an attempt to get more money out of it, which means I have to deal with them for a week *rolls eyes* My step dad likes to do all the work himself, and has decided that I'M going to be helping him on this project... I'm moving out of here next month, so I really don't care what they do with it. I just don't want to be involved. It kinda sucks because I was only paying $1000 a month to live here, and it's a 3br townhouse
I know i need to go to each and everyones page and thank you and comment and believe me I will get to it today.
FIRST on the list tho is a bit of explaining.
On my utility bill. It is NOT the electric thas is in dispute. We are billed seperately. The electric is just fine...its the AIR CONDITIONER that is all buggered up.... Read More
Health is the same...gettin worse even BUT I got some GOOD news today!!
The only problem is that I need 2 gigs of ram, and windows xp on my computer. I am not even SURE what ram IS! LOL I am such a computer retard! I dont think I have it... Read More
I'm happy for you! Cool beans on the new gig I think NeoPop is right, you could probably find someone geeky to help you upgrade your ram if you don't know how, and it should be a reasonable amount of money....especially when you think that it will give you $2.00 more per hour!
I'm so relieved that life is lookin' up for you a bit. I know it 's been tough goin' for awhile, and hopefully this will help settle down your health issues as well.
I cant do this.
I cant loose someone that I love so much.
I cant be in constant physical pain.
I cant deal with blood sugars this crazy.
I cant deal with taking care of a woman that doesnt treat me like she gives 2 shits about me.
The positive?
I CAN give up.
I am done.
Employees ALWAYS late so I cant get out to take care of my mom and I work alone ALL THE TIME.
The manager is just as bad. He is my friend and I adore him but part of the problem.
NO ONE does paperwork... Read More
Keep az an option
so what exactly is the new job and what will you be doing? that is wicked awesome that you will be working from home, and that is quite a pay increase. good for you!