Working on Directing a new short for someone.

Editing the Sound on the last one.

Need to finish re-editing the previous two. Considering I have to do some CGI into them


Still edtiing someone else's thing too,

and.....I am supposed to start writing the feature length triptych movie set that I want to direct.
good lucksmile
i like that picture too wish i could find it
Today's word is


all day since I woke up...edit edit edit....and this is not even my own shit. It's taking forever to get back to mine. On the other hand...I might up a video if I can figure out how to.

Someone was nice enough to resubscribe me for a few months. Thank you.

umm....Working in films, trying to find more work as where I live has been very quiet. I need to find a place to stay in Vancouver for like a month while I earn enough money to make it permanent.
Welcome back smile
ME too! I mean subscribe me. I dont workin films.

Enjoy that.
Finished the other film, and I am already AD'ing another one...

It seems to be speeding up, now onlyif someone would pay me for this shite.
What is AD'ing? Audio Dubbing? Audio Duh.... Duh.... Deh..... Dah....... Deficit?

Is Audio the A part?

Anyway... sup?
I have been so busy AD'ing on a local production that I haven't been able to update as of late. 12 hour days does that to one.
I charge thee heart of mine

I charge thee heart of mine,
Listen to my untimely surmise;
Sour summer's sewn seedlings
Wrapped in winter's warmth.
I charge thee heart of mine
Speak not, for today is now
And springs soft blossomy bloom
Shall not rise yet; that day
Oh, that day's sun will come
Take heed of what enraptures us
Kept deep within until sprouts...
Read More
I really need to update this a little more...been away with school


film making. :S
So tonight I am doing a casting call for a short movie. It should be interesting. I have never done one before, but it seems like a process that I could probably get into on a regular basis.

I sent out the notice a week ago, and the response has overall been good, though some people cannot read that I am casting all males in...
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Weird I cannot see everything on here right now. Might be my computer but it might also be the website.
Working on new TV scripts can be so DAUNTING and so blah

not as bad as working on old scripts that you're archiving into a best of CD.
Can't cram enough in. mad
Life can be great when you aren't forced to look at it intensely.