I'm still alive, cat's still alive. School is in high gear, heading toward the end of year one. Sorry I haven't been around. I do check email, so feel free to leave notes or send something. Thanks for your loyalty.

Other random recent events include filming a Public Sevice Announcement. Saw Kindom of Heaven... it was okay. Saw Sith. Liked it a lot. Going to...
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Glad your pussy is still purring. So is mine. shocked kiss
Everyone on this site is too cute for me to put up a pic. I think I am much hotter in your mind than in real life. I just don't have any decent pictures, but i am working on it. I have some super cute ones of my girls, but that's just wrong to post those. As far a s coming here to twist my arm, I dare you!! smile kiss
I am so sorry. This sucks so bad!! Give jet lag some scratches on the belly for me and kisses to you. frown frown
I understand completely about what strange issues we have to work out when it comes to weighing the life of a beloved pet and what we can afford to give them in medical care.

When I worked at the animal hospital there were some pets there that should have died long ago, who I felt were kept alive out of sheer selfishness (and of course, financial ability) on the owner's part. Now you or I would probably both LOVE to be able to put up any amount of money to save our cats, if we could.

I just think sometimes the wealthy forget that death is inevitable. they forget that it can be okay to let it happen naturally... It's one of those things people like you and me are forced to understand because we simply can't afford to buy the extra time.

$600 is a lot. You know I am not in the financial position to even put out half that amount if I were in the same situation. All I can hope is for a nice long lifespan of 15-17, just like Jet Lag, before any serious problems occur.

But you never know when I'll eventually come to that point you're at now.

You two have had some good years together. It's good you're still practical about it, even though I know how surreal it can be to even come close to putting a price on a loved life.

You might not believe it, but Jet Lag will probably understand.

... now I sound like a kooky cat lady. Thanks for bringing that out of me.

Alright, next up is a cover I had to do using only abstract graphic elements. The book was chosen for me and I was only allowed to use three colors. On top of that, the colors had to be some kind of complimentary colors.

From a basic standpoint, there are three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. Not exactly red, yellow and blue, but close...
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I like the yellow and orange one and the last purple one. then again I am partial to purple. smile Thanks for posting projects. i like to see what you've been working on.
Thanks for the heads up and the new techniques smile
Alright... yesterday I mentioned I had created a new folder for my design work. As "promised" I'll start posting them out here, with a little play by play.

The first is a typography assignment. To start the assignment, we had to go photograph handmade signs, along with a few "natural" occuring grid patterns (sides of building, bricks, etc.) We weren't told why.

After designing a...
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That's really cool.
I never know what the fuck you're talking about.
For the occasional checker, I have added a folder in the pics section for my pure design work (separate from my painting stuff.) That said, I have added a painting in the art section and several new design pieces.

In the next couple days I'll try to update with some words, and maybe post a couple of them out here, with some narrative.
Three updats in a week must be some kind of new record. I'm off to Norwescon this weekend, a massive sci-fi writers con, with the usual supply of gamers, costumers, and people speaking Klingon. I love the geek community and have been a part of it since I started playing AD&D 1E in the late 70s... but, it is sad seeing the big fat dopey...
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Nice poster project! smile I like the song you picked. I know some Cole Porter, but not this song. Wait, I'm thinking of John Coltrain. What a dork no wonder I didn't recognize the song. whatever

Anyway I wanted to tell you that geek is in the eye of the beholder. Even comic book guy is cool in his own circle of friends where Lisa would be considered a geek because she is not familiar with episode 15 of Deep Space Nine ("Worst episode ever.") Anyway, the point is everyone is a geek depending on the circle they are standing in and on the other hand every one is a rock start from time to time, too. In my daughter's preschool class I am so cool, however, according to most of the people on this site (but not you!) I would probably be a big weenie. Hope you had a good trip. kiss

[Edited on Mar 27, 2005 6:33PM]
About "Closer," that scene certainly was about deception, and that's exactly why I thought the nudity shouldn't be there. If she wasn't being completely open and honest with him emotionally, she shouldn't have been physically open. Not showing it functions as a device to show that; she's not really showing him anything real, it's a game of sorts. Julianne Moore in "Shortcuts" was a place I thought it was necessary, yes, as you said. The ending of the play "Wit" also comes to mind. But I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. At least you have good taste in films though. smile
Alright, this Schiavo thing is really pissing me off. Not because of the argument between life and not life... it's the part about congress. Fucking congress, even if that "law" is struck down, they have once again perverted the constitution of this country, entirely for political or personal gain.

And, unfortunately, even though the latest CNN poll had %70 of Americans opposing what they're doing,...
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Thanks. That's just what I was wanting to look at.

heh, edited because I say that in regards to the link you gave me, not in reference to your picture above. shocked

[Edited on Mar 21, 2005 12:42AM]
Ew, you're all veiny.

My dog has permanent marker tattoos, too.
That's bizarre. They had a fire at a pet store here years ago and now, in Long Beach, there are big flocks of parrots that live in the palm trees.
kiss back atcha

after all the stress of getting to the States, my internship turns out to be the biggest disaster. So... I am fighting my way out of it, or trying to at least.
This is the important bit of the last entry, for those who missed it.

If you can believe it, I'm even hairy than the "new" profile pic (which was taken about 3 years ago.) Normally clean shaven, laziness has overtaken me and the beard and hair have been left to run free. I just bought a new scanner, so I'll try and get a pic...
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If you can believe it, I'm even hairy than the "new" profile pic (which was taken about 3 years ago.) Normally clean shaven, laziness has overtaken me and the beard and hair have been left to run free. I just bought a new scanner, so I'll try and get a pic and scan it in sometime.

The goddamn CD I'm listening to keeps skipping because...
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