My new favorite headline:


No matter what word you cover up, it's still funny.

I didn't post anything in the Matris thread, 'cause I don't want to be the guy that stirs things up when everyone likes it. Usually that comes across as someone just trying to be a dick for a boring night at home. So to my few fans out there:

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smile awwwww i feel wanted.

... i'm still sleeping, though.

i come back soon.

wean yourself off juliana, you must... robot
ok, one more:

robot BEEEEP!

g'nite kiss
A great example of poetic justice, but I still keep hearing the Benny Hill theme when I read it.

My first day of the week is officially Tuesday, since I work Fridays and Saturdays... therefore the story of my weekend has yet to finish. But I've got homework to do, so that'll conclude that.

I work for a large, corporate information reproduction company ... pressing buttons for a pat on the head, and pocket change for food.

...Essentially, I am a copy-jerk.

Ick. Deer killing. Have you ever been a-huntin'? I once had an anxiety attack after stepping foot into a gun shop. It wasn't just the firearms; it was the posters of deer silhouettes with red targets painted over them, plastered all over the walls. Am I a left-wing tree-hugging animal lover? Yes.

*sigh* I'm hungry. Again. Gonna forage for s'more food... mebbe you'll have read this post by the time I come back.

Yes, I have been hunting. We were raised very poor and very much out in the country. I remember carrying a shotgun when I was five (for ducks) and have been around guns my entire life. I have never had the urge to shoot anyone, as I was raised right (a little detail that doesn't go into a lot of stories about people using guns violence).

I didn't actually deer hunt until I was grown and only once and didn't shoot at anything. It was more like armed camping.

I have shot prairie dogs... which, despite their PR, are plague carrying rodents (well, their fleas are anyway... the dogs themselves are just gross in a lot of other ways).

I like animals. I have two cats. Who are very old and very pampered. I don't equate shooting things for food with not loving animals (and I'm not saying you do, of course) ... though I don't eat prairie dogs. They're just gross.

On the plus side, I don't care whether you are a goddamn hippy... meaning, it doesn't make me love you any more or any less. I do care who you are. Besides, if everything we said; believed in; and liked and disliked matched up, it would just be jerking off.

Homework implies school, so now I'm obligated to ask you what you're studying, I suppose.

And I'm sorry I wasn't around right after you posted. We'll work on our timing biggrin

Now, I'm off to bed with my miao!! miao!! s. surreal (wink) tight and sweet dreams.

robot (beep)
Why are we (generalizing, but you know what I mean) okay with seeing a different staging of a 'classic' play (outside of high school... I mean how many times has GlenGarry Glen Ross or Romeo and Juliet played in your town. professionally), yet we (see above) get all pissy when Hollywood remakes a movie. Very few remakes are viewed as better than the original or...
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I just finished directing a play in the Seattle area called "The Two Megans". If by remote chance you are one of the 150 people or so that saw it, please let me know what you thought.
... I _could_ do that.

But we all know I don't like to make it very easy.
(It's the price you pay for a No Boredom guarantee. Good God, did you even READ the warrantee?!)

No discussion of size-2plus-octave-range hands will be permitted until training is complete, and certified.

... Or at least until you can tinkle out a few more sonatinas to demonstrate your dedication to the robot Cause.

And definitely no talk of stories and kissing! Like Monkey says, a sober ooo aaa can't do his miao!! .

...there now, we're even.
I get it; you made a little joke there, with the sonata's and the octive hands... that's very clever love

I, alas, did not read the warrentee. I tend to take things out of the box, put the batteries in, and figure out the switches on the fly. Though, I guess that would be more an instruction sheet joke, huh. How about the next time you travel north, you can read them to me. robot

By the way, I did iedned see the lgganuae sdtuy a wilhe bcak. I tried writing dialog that way, but Word kept autocorrecting me. I wonder if it works in other languages?

I dressed up as Bruce Willis from Die Hard for Halloween. Pics exist somewhere.
The last two women I've been involved with have immediately moved on when things got rocky or harder than they expected. I understand week-end flings or whatnot... but these were longer term deals. Confess love one day, then find a replacement the next day when things don't work out? Disrespectful to the relationship... the person involved... and the person going to be involved. Rebound, I...
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Spent a sleepy, flu day; napping and watching the news. 75% of people approve the war. 90% of republicans approve the war. What does that tell me? When you're done bitching about the war, get off your ass next election and actually vote this time. Don't think voting works? Then shut the fuck up about the war. Overall, I think I'm just cranky 'cause I'm...
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Sucks to be fluy. But at least we don't live in Florida.