I wish I lived in San Jose. Or anywhere in the Bay Area again, for that matter!
I was on TV again...

A new soft drink line for medicinal use is hitting the market and packs quite a punch. It's spiked with marijuana.
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juts back for this month.. wanted to make sure it got switched over to ya! glad to see that the group is still active, but nooo... you hang on to it. you're more qualified... i mean, you are the weed man. biggrin
I came across a document that everyone needs to read. It might make you think twice before picking up that mind altering drug known as "reefer".

The funniest part is the propaganda went from:
It is a drug that causes insanity, criminality, and death - the most violence causing drug in the history of mankind.
-by Harry J. Anslinger, 1937


The strong form of...
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bone loss eh...
I'm in the news again


Mercury News: San Jose: Another violent pot robbery stokes cops' fear of trend
An armed invasion of a San Jose marijuana grow house dominoed into violent chaos Tuesday night near the Children's Discovery Museum, the latest in a string of crimes aimed at pot growers and dispensaries. It ended with a San Jose police officer blasting his...
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I have heard of it before, but I would love to find out which strains would help with anxiety. I am an avid appreciator of cannabis, although I do have to say if I'm stoned and I am not at home or around people I am very comfortable with, my anxiety will often go through the roof. I'm a pretty "cliche" stoner, I don't try to be by any means, but I do get pretty self conscious about it haha :/

Found you in the SJ group... If you frequent downtown at all we may have crossed paths already. At least I wouldn't be surprised haha!

Nice make your acquaintance!

The San Jose Teapot Party! Next meet-up 1/18/11

From the last one:

I've now taken over the SJ meet-up. This should be fun!