I have been having super weird dreams lately and I have little explanation for them.
One was one of my brothers (who is quite taken) and I went out and rented an overwieght prostitute and then proceeded to do nothing with her except hang out for the most part, kind of. The other one I don't even really want to talk about, but it got... Read More
Sweet glory! Some fine soul decided to grant me Suicide Girl privelages again! And although I suspect it is the fine administrative staff of SG, I heartily appreciate and accept this gift for the new year (and if indeed this is a ploy to get me hooked back on SG, it worked, well done! ).
What is new in my life since the months of... Read More
Damnit I haven't done this in forever, anyways...I accidentally deleted all the contents of my profile trying to update it, if you can believe that. Which is more or less ok because there was some crazy shit on there from when I probably hadn't slept in a few days. Anyways! I thought I would post, or at least re post some pictures of my work... Read More
Oh yeah, by the way, if anybody reads this, if you want chainmaille designs, wallet chains, byzantine chains, or skirts made out of steel/titanium/aluminum/copper/bronze or almost any other sort of metal, just let me know!!! I would be happy to oblige! Chainmaille can be made to look femine and sexy, and it beat somebody's ass! ....Not that that is what you would use it for..........but,... Read More
awww thanks. and by the way, how much would a chainmaille glove go for? past the wrist. like that of a deli worker? i need one to handle my angry hormone injected rat. been bit to the bone too many times.
My hands are absolutely torn up....on the lighter side though, I am almost done with anothe piece of armor....well it's more decorative, but hey, I think it looks sweet. Oh god........pictures to come soon
AHHHHHHHH!!!!! My hands are black, thay are officially stained with the protective skin of Aluminum (for those of you non-metalurgists and un-informed, Aluminum when bonded with oxygen in the air, does not rust like many Iron materials, instead it forms a protective skin layer of Al-1, O-3, this aluminum oxide does not corrode the origional Aluminum object, simply protects it. And it wears the fuck... Read More
and oh how I was in disbelief of what I saw before my eyes. It was one of those dreams where your conscious mind is still partially awake and can take note, very well I might add, of some of... Read More
Oh great shit, my hands hurt......ahht, got ya! No I've been working with leather trying to come up with some armor designs that reflect both personal style and absolute true protection (does that make me a nerd?). This leather is ungodly thick, it has to be a least a quarter inch, maybe far greater! First I tried cutting it with some hard core scissors, no... Read More
Oh, I live in dayton, how hilarious, I mean....well that is to me. At least of all things I am happy, this place isn't that bad, I mean sure if you wonder down a certain ways you can just get robbed for being alive, and sure the taxes are higher than most other cities without seeing an... Read More