right that's it I am definetly gonna give up alcohol for lent....
well on Sunday anyway, I'm supposed to be going out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so it just wouldn't be practical would it?
I had such a good night on Friday at the intergalactic burlesque night, unfortunately, since losing weight my alcohol tolerance level is utterly pathetic so I ended up feeling...
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well on Sunday anyway, I'm supposed to be going out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so it just wouldn't be practical would it?
I had such a good night on Friday at the intergalactic burlesque night, unfortunately, since losing weight my alcohol tolerance level is utterly pathetic so I ended up feeling...
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right that's it I am definetly gonna give up alcohol for lent....
well on Sunday anyway, I'm supposed to be going out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so it just wouldn't be practical would it?
I had such a good night on Friday at the intergalactic burlesque night, unfortunately, since losing weight my alcohol tolerance level is utterly pathetic so I ended up feeling...
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well on Sunday anyway, I'm supposed to be going out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so it just wouldn't be practical would it?
I had such a good night on Friday at the intergalactic burlesque night, unfortunately, since losing weight my alcohol tolerance level is utterly pathetic so I ended up feeling...
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I wonder if that means it's inadvisable to wash it down with a shot of vodka....or whether I'm not supposed to be drinking in general?
good news is I am no longer suffering from insomnia
bad news is I am now asleep for at least 12 hours a day, never mind I'd rather stay in bed than...
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I wonder if that means it's inadvisable to wash it down with a shot of vodka....or whether I'm not supposed to be drinking in general?

good news is I am no longer suffering from insomnia
bad news is I am now asleep for at least 12 hours a day, never mind I'd rather stay in bed than...
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Some nice pics of you there babe

I'm pretty sure that it says not to consume alcohol with all meds. I have found however over the last few months that some of them really do mean it!
Mighty Boosh Series2 is awesome. I can't wait to see them live!
I've sent you my number hon, am not sure about Manchester yet but will let you know. Depends on money etc. Oh the joys of being poor
Mighty Boosh Series2 is awesome. I can't wait to see them live!
I've sent you my number hon, am not sure about Manchester yet but will let you know. Depends on money etc. Oh the joys of being poor

It worries me slightly that all I have to talk about in my journal recently is how drunk I got at the weekend...or Wednesday...or just in general whenever I have enough pennies to go for a drinkedy drink drink
On Saturday after planning on not going out at all as I was in one of those delightful moods where if someone makes eye contact you...
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On Saturday after planning on not going out at all as I was in one of those delightful moods where if someone makes eye contact you...
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Ha ha ha! I was hoping that I would see that infamous mermaid costume. How about those shoes that Estee Lauder came on?
I know exactly how "cusacky" feels. It's definately a real word.

I know exactly how "cusacky" feels. It's definately a real word.

Ahoy there landlubbers and smelly pirate hookers
Soory I'm still in pirate mode from the pirate party last night, of course being me I couldn't just go as a pirate....oooh no....Jenny could never just blend in with the crowd ...just aint her "style"
I went as a fucking idiot mermaid didn't I?
Felt like a right twat wandering around in a bikini top with...
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Ahoy there landlubbers and smelly pirate hookers
Soory I'm still in pirate mode from the pirate party last night, of course being me I couldn't just go as a pirate....oooh no....Jenny could never just blend in with the crowd ...just aint her "style"
I went as a fucking idiot mermaid didn't I?
Felt like a right twat wandering around in a bikini top with...
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hey lovely, how are you xxx
Hello! Oh dear I would make you eat more than bran flakes ew! Yes I am working on Saturday, from 7 I think. Have you booked a table? When for if so?
Im doing ok, things are all a bit on top of me right now but Im not gona let myself get drowned by it all. Well, Im trying anyway...
Ooh I just noticed there is a new set by Nic at the bottom of the page, gotta go look!
How are things with you anyway? xxx
Im doing ok, things are all a bit on top of me right now but Im not gona let myself get drowned by it all. Well, Im trying anyway...
Ooh I just noticed there is a new set by Nic at the bottom of the page, gotta go look!
How are things with you anyway? xxx
went to see Mr doctor man yesterday...
"medication still not working?....still can't sleep?"
"well lets double your pescription and put you on maximum dosage! ooh and while your here would you like some Temazepam?"
The NHS scares me sometimes...I figured it must be pretty bad if I was being given drugs I'd actually heard of before, unfortunately Temazepam has no effect on me whatsoever apart...
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"medication still not working?....still can't sleep?"
"well lets double your pescription and put you on maximum dosage! ooh and while your here would you like some Temazepam?"
The NHS scares me sometimes...I figured it must be pretty bad if I was being given drugs I'd actually heard of before, unfortunately Temazepam has no effect on me whatsoever apart...
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hope you have fun at your convention.
and you can hitch a ride on my train anytime. it's good to know i'm not alone in some of my thoughts.
take care.
and you can hitch a ride on my train anytime. it's good to know i'm not alone in some of my thoughts.

take care.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my set
you made my day! I promise not to leave again 

me and the stupid boy are now "friends"????
I am considering having DOOORMAT or MASOCHIST tattoed across my forehead...
doesn't mean I don't still want to hit him though... repeatedly with large metal objects
things I have realised since the beginning of 2006
1. do not I repeat do not try to cut your toenails whilst drunk, it will hurt in the morning...I learnt this...
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I am considering having DOOORMAT or MASOCHIST tattoed across my forehead...
doesn't mean I don't still want to hit him though... repeatedly with large metal objects

things I have realised since the beginning of 2006
1. do not I repeat do not try to cut your toenails whilst drunk, it will hurt in the morning...I learnt this...
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I am easily embarassed.
It comes with being retardedly shy....
[Edited on Feb 02, 2006 10:59AM]

It comes with being retardedly shy....
[Edited on Feb 02, 2006 10:59AM]
thanks for the lovely comment on my new set. i had so much fun shooting it,
take care
take care

Why can things never be simple?
Why can't it be... boy meets girl... girl likes boy....boy and girl fall in love, give each other amusing nicknames and live happily ever after?
....instead of, boy meets girl ..BOY HAS 2 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!!!!!...boy is severly fucked up by last relationships and has major trust issues...girl believes boy when he says he really likes her...
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Why can't it be... boy meets girl... girl likes boy....boy and girl fall in love, give each other amusing nicknames and live happily ever after?
....instead of, boy meets girl ..BOY HAS 2 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!!!!!...boy is severly fucked up by last relationships and has major trust issues...girl believes boy when he says he really likes her...
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If I could I would jump over trees
If I could I would hold everything
If I could I would poems
But I cannot so I do other things like eating
If I could I would hold everything
If I could I would poems
But I cannot so I do other things like eating
argh!! think i might have to find a different way to bring about this miracle then... its fookin impossible for me to lose weight, grr. although if i get desperate i might just try this new found diet of urs;p
gr that guy sounds like a right twat or gobshite as we say over here across the sea;p i cant believe he slept wit u n spent hours talkin to u n failed to mention that he had a fookin child!! grr some boys seriously need a good beating over the head sometimes....
gr that guy sounds like a right twat or gobshite as we say over here across the sea;p i cant believe he slept wit u n spent hours talkin to u n failed to mention that he had a fookin child!! grr some boys seriously need a good beating over the head sometimes....

I have reached yet another level of complete stupidity
On Thursday while immensly hungover, I managed to slice the base of my thumb open while opening a can. What's more embarrasing is the fact it was a scented candle in a can, how pathetic is that?I cut my hand on a scented candle, I'm such a girl!
I was going to just stick a plaster...
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On Thursday while immensly hungover, I managed to slice the base of my thumb open while opening a can. What's more embarrasing is the fact it was a scented candle in a can, how pathetic is that?I cut my hand on a scented candle, I'm such a girl!
I was going to just stick a plaster...
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That Llama does look deadly. If I had some kind of allergy to felt it could kill me in an instant.
The one thing that stops me getting a girlfriend is my love of the cock. It's like men unwittingly have one up on me. Ass-holes. There is every possibility however that a loving relationship would mean that the cock issue wouldn't matter.
MORAL DILEMNA : Would you date a guy who has no dick? Maybe it had been kicked off by an angry wolf?
I think that maybe too much Valentines advertising is driving me insane. Someone get me a stiff *oo-er* drink.
The one thing that stops me getting a girlfriend is my love of the cock. It's like men unwittingly have one up on me. Ass-holes. There is every possibility however that a loving relationship would mean that the cock issue wouldn't matter.
MORAL DILEMNA : Would you date a guy who has no dick? Maybe it had been kicked off by an angry wolf?
I think that maybe too much Valentines advertising is driving me insane. Someone get me a stiff *oo-er* drink.
thankyou!! I don't have it marked as such as its a city and guilds course and so i think we just get graded at the very end of the course in easter. We learnt how to do cost sheets the other day and apparently If it was in the shops It would be sold for 250 haha! eeek..
Thats cool about the new boy!
I love those first excited feelings. Sorry about your finger, you silly thing! xx
Thats cool about the new boy!

I am officially at the most random University EVER!
This week I have to make a garment out of 6 equilateral or right angled triangles using only 3 metres of calico...Crypton factor anyone? Also I'm supposed to be organising a jumper sale and a bake sale to raise money for the fashion show...what the FUCK???
It's one of my new years resolutions to be more...
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This week I have to make a garment out of 6 equilateral or right angled triangles using only 3 metres of calico...Crypton factor anyone? Also I'm supposed to be organising a jumper sale and a bake sale to raise money for the fashion show...what the FUCK???
It's one of my new years resolutions to be more...
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got any friends you can fix me up with??? im in a BIG dry spell.


hey missus. i hope you enjoyed the gig. that uni project sounds insane!! id love to see the end result!
just add alcohol!!!!!!!!!
Stuck on my sticky shoooooooooooe!
I got me a sexy flem voice for christmas, huzzah!!!!!
Despite having the most fabulous costume of black satin lederhosen for Club Noir, I didn't get to go booooooooo!
The flem situation had reached ridiculous proportions and I couldn't actually talk, I was beginning to sound a bit like the penguin that lost its squeak in Toy Story 2

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My christmas was pretty good actually, nice to see everyone again, wrap my christmas presents drunk at 3am on christmas day... The usual you know.
I watched Salad Fingers the other day, freaky stuff!
I think i'm already sick of my new profile picture and its been up about a day
I used to love watching shows like "old bear" when it used to be on.
He told stories and it was awesome
I watched Salad Fingers the other day, freaky stuff!
I think i'm already sick of my new profile picture and its been up about a day

I used to love watching shows like "old bear" when it used to be on.
He told stories and it was awesome
sadist are not always a bad thing.
have a good night.

have a good night.
I get it
Its shite