A weekend at home with no commitments!? Will it last?
I like being a dad. My kid's pretty neet.
I don't sleep much

I don't sleep much

yeah and that last for awhile the no sleep part.. but being a parent really is super cool... Congrats
I'm going to be a father in six weeks. I am happy beyond words and frightend past my wits.
congrats and if you have any questions feel free to ask 

Well, I'm back.
After a year a lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same - with me that is.
Not much to say at the moment, and no one really listening quite frankly, but I'd love to reconnect with folks around here.
It's good to be home.
After a year a lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same - with me that is.
Not much to say at the moment, and no one really listening quite frankly, but I'd love to reconnect with folks around here.
It's good to be home.

Welcome back... alot has changed with us too.
well thank you Sir

Just a quick note for the curious.
I'll be leaving the States for a year or more in the next couple of days. It shouldn't make too much of a difference for folks around here as I only update 2-3 times a year anyway, but I don't know how often I'll have access to the site while I'm away.
A LOT has changed on this...
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I'll be leaving the States for a year or more in the next couple of days. It shouldn't make too much of a difference for folks around here as I only update 2-3 times a year anyway, but I don't know how often I'll have access to the site while I'm away.
A LOT has changed on this...
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How goes things, brother?
How goes things, brother?
Well fucking A for being debt free. If you ever reach that lofty goal please tell me what it feels like, I'd like to know, lol.
Take care of yourself and hang in there, brother.
Take care of yourself and hang in there, brother.
So pretty much ever since I got back from North Carolina in July of 2004 I've been nothing but a lurker on this site. A lot of my inaction here stems from school, work, Army, relationships, etc outside. That, and I just haven't connected with anyone here in Sac since I came home.
I have met and hung out with some tremedously cool people from...
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I have met and hung out with some tremedously cool people from...
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good luck with making some new friends i know how hard it can be. but your a super cool guy so im sure you will find some cool friends soon
same to you, and if you ever wanna come visit new orleans let us know. we would love to hang out with you again.
So, since buying a house and hoping to turn it into a home care business 3 people have moved in. Two of them recently divorced Army buddies and one super terrific woman. Real world's got nothing on us.
Not dead just busy.
I got back from the field a few hours ago after four days. The first thing I did was shower. The second thing I did was drink a beer. I can honestly say I don't ever remember myself smelling that bad. That beer at that moment was the second best beer I've ever had. It was a Shiner Bock. For the last few hours I've...
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i do love your random drop-bys attesting to my hotness xxx <3
I am good. how are you.
ps. i think i saw you running by my work not too long ago.
ps. i think i saw you running by my work not too long ago.
I own a house
Now I have to move

Now I have to move

very very cool

now, can i stalk you?
I woke up from a dream at about 6:30 this morning. I'd only been asleep for 3 hours or so. I dreamnt that I was surrounded by police while I was in bed. They were interogating me. They may have had their weapons drawn - I can't remember - because in the dream I felt like one wrong move and they were going to kill...
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