So I'm still in Florida
I'm working as a CNA
I now swing swords for fun as a part of a living chessboard group
I can sew... Developed an addiction to costuming
My girl is nearly 3
Still happily married
I have a beard
My intense face is awesome
My hair is dark brown and my beard is red with a little blonde

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I know I haven't posted a blog... I said I would but I haven't... It's just so hard to write when you're afraid something you'll write may take you away from your daughter and wife... Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm not taking the chance
Anyway... I see that people are in a depression "front". I like to think that most humans are communal creatures....
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Hey you. So how is being a Dad? Besides the fact you have no "you" time anymore. Babies are strange. People say they grow up so fast, but to me they develop so slowly compared to any other animal. I'm not a parent, so I guess I can't really say.

I hope all is well with your new life, I hope you're happy.

I'm in the depressive state right now, maybe one of those you spoke about. I hope I'm not stuck here awhile. I'm fairly determined not to be, though it's not always that simple.

Take care.

P.S What's bubba's name?
Her Name is Twyla... yes I've hopped back on... it's free for me for the next 30 days... but i hope to stay... I've been feeling nostalgic
So it's been nearly 2 months since my last post... quite honestly I've been busy... I've moved to Gainesville in Florida. Quite a nice place in my opinion. It's very much like where I come from. I'm still waiting for my work authorization but my wife is working so for now I'm a stay at home dad. Anyway I hope to get back to ranting...
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Hey you

So tell me, is the weather in Florida the same as here? I've always thought they'd be the same or at least similar.

The Chinese medicine is a form of root/herbs.

So you're a Dad now, you have wife, and you live in the US. Wow, I missed alot. Yay you!

I too look forward to your rants!

Take care smile
The weather is very much the same only with bugs and squirrels
I know... it's been months... but I've been busy being a father and trying to make my way here. That's not going so well. The money I had to change my status and work has disappeared... no wait, it has been stolen. We put the money into the account of my wife's father's account to use his cheque book. Apparently the government hasn't heard of...
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omg such a cutie!
wow life is good for you! keep it up smile
hey you're still here! smile

you're married now? and a baby due? yay that's great news!

im checking out who's still around. it seems most people dont update anymore frown gone are the days of 2004-2006 hey. things change i guess.

it's lovely to hear from you, all the best with the bubba!!!!

p.s which mountains are you in?
I'm in the US.
I'm married.
My child is due in less than 2 weeks.
Other than that, I don't know where to start.
Maybe I will next time.
Congrats dude!!! hope everything continues to go well for you!
I'm here alone... and I love it. I love sitting alone in the dark with nothing but the noise of rain and a creaky building. Actually that's wrong... I love doing this more with my fiance. I know she'd be quiet with me or at least dancing in the rain. I feel sorry for her. Our daughter has a wild kick. I'd never thought a...
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I may be a bit slow here but I think growing up is more to do with be comfortable in your skin and living how you want than being the most fashionable, coolest, smartest, strongest etc. I've found myself ignoring trends, being a dork, admitting to mistakes, taking it easy and accepting my flaws more than I did after I left high school.
My visa...
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For my love of Animal Collective
It's been roughly a year since I first heard of them and I'm still not sick of them. They're still fantastic.
So here's 4 of my favourite songs

Well long time no journalling.
What can I say... The process is moving along... I have my last forms to receive before I go to Sydney for the final interview. Plus a medical to get done. I'd already had some tests done so I've definitely proved that vaccines don't work so well for me... I had most of the shots I got tested for and...
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awwww yay for a girl!