I can't seem to get going today!

Someone come kiss me already.
I need a juicy one. wink
I'm homesick.
I hate feeling restless and tired all at once!
I know what I need..........

Today's listening adventure:
Underworld- live
James Holden and J. Thompson
Underworld is very soothing. Please accept a kiss. kiss
This journal entry is specifically and especially for 2 of my SG friends. (You will know who you are when you read the rest of it...)

Over the last few months, I have soul searched and danced myself into oblivion in order to come to terms with everything I am and what I want. I think I've done a pretty good job too. I feel...
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Oooo, Id like to kiss someone just because I wanna kiss someone...thats a good angle wink
Wow... I've never had a journal entry written for me before. I feel sooo special.

That could very well be it.
Much like taking your clothes off infront of someone for the first time. (rather than the violent one you gave)
Acually I kinda like yours. Can I call you Berserker from now on? tongue

the problem with the food is that there was a system that allowed it to go to the hungry, but then they decided that it somehow made it so that employees were tempted to steal. or some shit like that. i dunno. i have a plan, but it involves me being able to take shit home w/o having it signed off by my boss. the only reason i need to be able to do that is my boss is not around a tthe end of hte night (when we throw away bread).
Well...I'm still awake.
I'm tired but my stupid ticker has decided to be annoying. Sometimes it beats very hard, sometimes too fast and keeps me awake. Sometimes it beats slow and I pass out.... It doesn't do this very often but tonight it has decided to be fast.... so I'll write in my journal and hopefully it will simmer down.

I'm craving strawberries! That...
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here it is: www.sugarbabe.org is our online web site and you find the clothes displayed here!
i'm very excited about it, just spent all day gathering infos and trying to get an allround idea about running it.. we have a show room in our flat, soon i'll post you some pics!
there is no such thing as enough sleep. i wish i didn't love it so much.
Well....I've had an interesting weekend. Very interesting....lots of soul searching, people watching, jaw dropping, and booty shaking.

My feet have some deadly wickedlyawesome callous going down. Yay! No more pain....... My little dood went to his grampa's so I worked all week and then danced my butt off Thurs., Fri. and Saturday. Wonderful!

The boi that got the axe....he just keeps doing things I don't...
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Axe? Like the type of axe you thrash on, or the type that you chop with?
So that is how you approach women? That explains it! I was trying to use "nice shoes. wanna fuck?" Thanks for the tips.
Wanna give me dancing lessions next?
I had a dream this morning and when I woke up I wrote this......

from the chaos your wind blows
It will not bend or break the spine
of stainless steel
As I look back
through the pages of my life
I know that the storm has been much worse and that what
you deliver
is only
a cold breeze
so I said that forbidden...
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I love dreams that inspire you to do something. smile I always have these dreams where I'm doin' something cool, and I wake up feeling like a better person and wanting to do more with my life... then I realize how lazy I am and go watch TV
Well, got some more work done.....watched a movie last night. This semi-cheesy Japanese action movie with subtitles called "The Returner". Totally fun. Something I need to rent for the small main dood.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do about my sleep. Next wk when I go back to regular hours I'm going to get slayed. Argh!

Cleaning the house.....cranking the tunes.......
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what was it about?
I love cheesy action movies
Oh club night, how I miss thee. frown Have fun for me Miyu!
My kiddo is with his grandparents so I got up at noon....nice....I rarely ever sleep in that late. Worked all day. got an assignment finished, now I'm just working on these projections. Got the projector to work...just figuring out where I want it......looks like it may have to be rear projections or ceiling....hmmmmm
ceiling might be easier in terms of space I think. ((typing out...
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funny enough, i also had to do wih the video projections for this weekend's party.. one of the vjs is going to use my footage from balinese dance i just filmed few weeks ago: would u imagine the crowd when they'll see on big screen the legong dance? it'll be fun!
got so much music to sort out for my set, i can't find enough time to relax and do it.. i'll send u a mix sometimes...
did u like liberator? we use to play loads of that stuff years back (5), but it was too harsh for the scene, more suitable for young kids on ketamine! i just wonder what he's up to, probably still into london's acid techno!
have fun!
Chris is a very good friend from my London connections, they used to do parties and music together a while ago (1994!) as Circosis.. back then i was into it, but growing has brought me to other latitudes.. i played tribal percussive beats mixed with tech house for the last 3 years, now merging back into acid sounds, with some electro influence.. music is so hard to describe!
i met quite a few people from Canada in Mexico (Puerto Escondido) in 1999, they described the scene in Calgary as very good, and thet were really into trance.. they loved our parties there, we were playing on the surfers beach 'till dawn... mmmm! i have to go back there this year!
i'm working on a new set for the weekend, i'll try to put it on cd and send u a copy; at the moment i have a good mailing list of people waiting for my new mixes, friends around the world who like my style!

i'll show u pictures of the weekend, it's going to be good!
2:30 minutes of visuals for the performance.......I'm getting uber pumped......

Nuclear Ramjet babeeeeee

My goal is to have the entire 9 minutes all in visuals and mapped out on the dance by Thursday. Then I have the next 3wks to tweak and perfect. '
Finished the costume.....it will look so crazy! I will get some pics taken for you peeps to see!

Dyed my...
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Yeah for you. Erase from memory. Start over.
your performance sounds like a video dance piece, interesting..
no, there's no mp3 on the web, even though it's been a while i have been looking for the right space there.. you can hear my sets sometimes on livestreaming, usually on thursdays, between 21 and 22:30 (italian time, 7 hours ahead of you,I think); it's on www.radiokcentrale.it, it does live webstreaming..
you seem like a strong woman, difficult to handle for too many men: they like to be in control, usually! smile smile
hey: take a look at some pictures from the parties we hold over here in italy, just to warm u up! www.h2odj.org/photos wink

[Edited on Feb 17, 2004 4:19AM]
Just taking a break from doing up the visuals for the performance......

Well this weekend has been CRAZY!!!
Danced hard, fried some brain cells, hung out with my family, did some shopping,got my VISA stolen, ate sushi,....... made it through Valentine's not feeling like shit. Good times.

It's funny.....I don't batt an eyelash about things in person but this journal sure gets the lowdown...
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hehe thanks smile

oh, i give up too, damned relationships!!!
yo miyu! it looks like you live in such a cold place.. saw your photos, must say you are a beauty! great strong beauty.. just thought u'd love some compliments, heartly yours!
Here I sit feeling very sleepy and warm....wanting to go over and make love...
run my hands over his body....smooth and slow....my lips finding every place...

last night an asian man explained to me the philosophy of his buddha. To live in the moment and let go of the past. You cannot be happy with the past weighing you down.

So here I am living...
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that works for a while, but you also have to think about the future abit... but he's right about the past, past is done, can't do nothin about it, live for right now, and strive for something in the future smile
I had a very intense dream about the person I love. I said goodbye in it and that's a word I never use. He walked away in the snow...knee deep and struggling. I walked away.....
but on top of the snow. I barely marked it, my black cloak billowing behind me.

I really said goodbye.
I talk to this person still and they put their...
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Never compromise and each of us probably has "angel" in us, as even the Devil began as one, before he questioned (and good for him).

I'll be really excited the day I hear from you about this wonderful person you've met that even makes work, just work.

You're too terrific for something not to happen towards you.

Have a great weekend, and you know if I wasn't in the time, place and position I'm in, I would have loved to attempted it. love wink
I've hidden away for a few days just trying to get things done and I'm feeling pretty low.

How does one scrape oneself up after what I've been through in the last few days? (I've been through a lot. One thing is that I danced so hard I made my feet bleed. Does anybody get what that means?!)

You know, people tell me I'm beautiful....but...
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aw hell, I hope you are feeling better...just in case.. kiss ..there you go!.... smile
Grrrrrr... let it out!!! GO FUCK YOUR LAME SELF!!! *not directed to you, i'm screaming with you*

Werd up! I get you.