
Thanks for the replies guys. There were most helpful and I took some more time to think about the whole scenario and my approach.

When I initially asked this person, I told him it was on recommendation from someone else (he's basically screwed that) and I described the project. We e-mailed back and forth many times because I was busy answering his questions about...
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Hey are you going to attend the Summer Party, July 3rd.
Yess! memories. The modest mouse is the soundtrack to my life... and my good friends'. Everytime i listen to them I get lost in memories.

i love yours... about the lover's mom!

Gawd, i just got lost for minute thinking about an old girlfriend and her prudish mother. I hoped you charmed her as I eventually did, but it took months!

"I've been extremely fortunate with my set and sound people. I have worked with them many times and I throw out directions, what I want, how I want it and leave them to it. I trust them with their work. I may like to touch base with them some time during the process so I can see whats up but basically I trust them. In return, I get a gorgeous job."

That's what i was trying to get at. It's the only way to work, but it does require that everyone is competent, and happy with their situation. If you've found these guys and it works then I suggest not changing your style, but try to find others like them you can trust without having to become some hardass just because the people you work with are slack. Don't you think? I mean, if someone doesn't take a person seriously just because that person isn't going to bark at them then, they're the ones that need an adjustment. you proved above that not everyone is like that, so I say skrew'em find someone who has their ethics in place.

Not working?
There is something fundamentally wrong with how I deal with people. My lighting guy has basically disappeared without a trace. Two e-mails later and no phone call. The guy that was to operate my computer, I didn't think he was interested so I asked someone else. He gets back to me and says he has booked holidays. After almost 2 wks of not hearing from...
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I don't think two people flaking out necessarily means that it's your fault. If it were like 15 people then maybe... but it doesn't sound like it. I guess my only suggestion is to find people who you consider to be as professional as possible, since disappearing is a very unprofessional thing to do.

Tae Kwan Do is fun - I studied it for a while when I was in college. It's great exercise.

And sometimes a little spring cleaning can be therapeutic. It's good to be able to overlook flaws in your friends, but if you just don't have anything in common any more or you've outgrown each other then trying to maintain a relationship can sometimes be more pain than it's worth.
That's interesting. There could be a number of things going on. My interpersonal skills certainly aren't the greatest, but I book my own work and know how it is on the other end. One thing that I and others I work with always avoid when possible is an overly demanding customer.... are you chasing them away Sisu?? tongue OK don't take that badly. It's all I have to offer without being there. Have you worked with the same guys before? If so was it an enjoyable experience for everyone? If it was then rule that one out. If you've never worked together before then is what you're asking of them beyond what they would normally do? Meaning that the chances of everybody walking away happy are slim? It could also be that you just picked a couple of lazy sods!.... Booked holidays whatever

I always stay away from clutter when booking anything work related by going straight to the dates. Find out if they're available for such and such dates and get them to commit the first time you speak to them. Give them an idea of what you need done, but don't go into details until they have. If they're being slippery pass right away. Find someone else. If they're good than even if you are demanding, they should be able to handle it, but they won't find out until they're committed.,, too late to bail.

I hope that doesn't sound preachy, just offering what I can, and I hope you find someone fast.

cleaning house always feels good afterwards. It's funny I do it with possessions. every year or so I start to feel agitated and chuck everything that I can out. I feel guilty about applying sentimental value to objects that never get used.
Phew! Time flies!

Thanks for all your responses to my question. I have a similar feel for this site but on a few posts I saw that SG was referred to as a "porn site". My initial thoughs were, " Really?" I was also asked if I was a lesbian because I'm an SG member and not an SG. I've been hit on by women...
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most defintetly it is. I've tried hard to fight that feeling, but if something creeps into my mind, i'm lost. I wish i could still meditate.
Well, I've had some really interesting chats , posts and conversations with various people! Thanks!

I will keep everyone up to date about the Toronto dance festival. biggrin
I'm performing in the distillery district sometime Aug. 13-18. Apparently I can have every one of those dates of just a few, depending on how hardcore I would like to be. I know I don't want to dance...
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Oh! Forgot to comment on the site. Opps!

I don't consider it porn really. Most of the sets aren't in anyway overtly sexual. It's more like tasteful erotica with an alternative edge and hints of porn.

I find it almost sad that there are some who still consider a woman's naked body in only sexual terms. Dig?
Well that makes 2 of my friends with insomnia. Check Kiddizzy's journal. You'll find him posting all hours of the day!

Definitely an adult site, but I don't feel like its porn. It's just not dirty enough. Pinup seems to fit the best, but I'd say it's more of a networking place for creative/alternative types. I know there are plenty of people here that rarely even check the photosets, so it can't be just porn. So, what to call it then? i don't know. smile
Well..... I got accepted into the Toronto dance festival so I'll be off to show my stuff in August. Anybody want to come and check it out? Meet me? Hang out?

I'll post dates I will be in TO a bit later......have to hammer that out.
cool! ever hear of miranda july? she's my hero.
so are you a fin?
i love the black light pics.
One of those moments......where everything becomes clear. In that special instant, you knew you were on the right path but something pushes you along your journey a little farther, opens your eyes a little wider, makes things more brilliant, , more clear, precise and diverse all at once. My words don't even explain how I feel...... they don't do it justice at all.

It amazes...
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Ohhh. I love those moments. It's so easy to just run around in circles without any clear objectives. I just live sometimes and that's it, but it's awesome when something comes around and snaps me out of it, just makes me think about goals and puts me back in direction.

I just felt like a name change. I was bored with the other. SONIC JUNKY! Sounds so 80's doesn't it? and I don't think a moment goes by that I'm not listening to music, so it's fitting.... It's either that or ATOMIC MONKEY! Haha. I don't feel any connection to that one though.

And you? I see you've changed again.

glad to hear things are well.
I have a love- hate relationship with technical support personelle. For obvious reasons, they help fix the problem and get things in working order. However, I am one of those annoying people, who need not only to get things working but want to know HOW IT WORKS. I'm often insatiably curious about how things run, how things work and how the big picture functions. In...
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Have you ever read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"? That sort of gets at this issue that you're bringing up, which I think is pretty important. I'm the same way - I don't want to do or use anything if I don't have at least a pretty good idea of how it works. But I feel like a lot of people out there just aren't like that. They could care less about how something works, as long as it works. It's a fundamentally different mindset and we have a hard time understanding each other.

You're right about tech support training being really awful. Did you know that most tech support staff are rated based on how quickly they 'solve the problem'? Meaning the faster they get you off the line, the better off they are. Not exactly the ideal way to make sure that all problems are thoroughly addressed.
This is a fairly personal blurb.....maybe it shouldn't be in here but that's where it ended up. I'm shedding the last bits of anger and frustration that have hung on to me. I think I need to just let it rip instead of just swallowing it all and pretending that it doesn't bug me. It's funny how sometimes little things will get under your skin...
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Maybe it was just ahead of its time wink
I've having one of those moments where after rehearsing a dance piece I'm frightened of it. I don't know if frightened is the right word...maybe it's a wordless thing...the fear of what the dance may or may not hold. Will it say anything to the audience? Will it convey anything....can I hold them? Will it be boring? Will it be meaningless to them?

It's like...
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Hey, your blacklight set is really cool smile was it rejected? :/
The adage sounds really difficult, both to perform and appreciate. I think for those sorts of pieces you need to be selective about who your audience is - some artwork wasn't meant to be appreciated by the masses, and that's what this sounds like. It also sounds fascinating, and worth the effort learning to appreciate. Do you write your own dance pieces, or are you learning ones that others have choreographed?
Yep...changed the nick.
I ran across it reading...it's a very special Finnish word and immeadiately I identified for a variety of reasons.

I've been to Finland and it's extraordinary.

It rhymes with miyoo. Hehehe....

The meaning of the word defines the very binding of who I am.
little dood feelin any better?
Oh dear! I hope that you and the little one are recovering well. (You with teeth, he with cold.) Sending some of my very best stari hugs and soothing vibes for health and healing. *long-distance smoosh*

I want to see a whirling, dancing sisu soon. Got that, girlie! kiss kiss kiss

PS~ Thanks for the compliment on my beach pics. I'm camera crazy and that is my favorite Oregon beach. I'm so glad you liked the beauty and wonder that I could share in my images. blush
Well before I went to bad last night, it felt like someone punched me. I feel much better this morning but my lip is a little puffy and it feels like I brushed my front teeth way too hard.

The little dood is sick today and he couldn't have picked a shittier time to have a cold but what are you going to do? Offer...
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If you get sick I will make you soup. smile kiss
Extra special hug. smile wink
Well....my face is FROZEN and my lip feels like something off of a cartoon. I was at the dentist from 11:30-3. All my temporaries are in place and I have perfect teeth! Yay! The actuals get put in in two weeks..... Right now I would give goobery kisses! biggrin kiss

Right the fuck on, well except for the numbness and what not. That's so fucking cool. kiss Good luck with getting the permanents in!
Damn multiple time zones!

Hope you're feeling okay, though I'm sure they gave you some goodies that have you on a planet something different than okay. How was Mother's Day? I'm taking for granted that you guys have it up there as well. smile