In T-O soakin' in the sites, people and foooooodddddd..........

got to go........ wink

Hello, my name is Amadeus and i'm addicted to comments in my journal.

heard you were from melville that's close. smile
How have your performances been going?

I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it up there, I really wanted to but my financial situation is such right now that I can't really afford to go anywhere.

I wish you the best of luck though, and hope that everything goes well for your show.
A big kiss for your tummy.

Has the rage subsided?

I killed out pet newt and I'm very sad. It sounds kinda dumb but I'm responsible for some little creature's death. I feel pretty rotten. With the heat, the bowl dried out quickly. frown
What am I going to tell my little man??


Check it out! I'm up in the site!!!!!


I'm so excited! And nervous too....checked out some of the other artists and...
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Life happens with little creatures. I like to think that they are lucky enought to live with some guarantee for a period of time and then you are only another possibility of nature and nothing to feel bad about. (I helped with the death of my finches I got when I was 12, I am still living with it.

I think it's so amazing you are a dancer, I think I have said that but want to be sure to emphasize it. What a wonderful ability.

I like the new profile pic. And congratulations on being on the website, that's great!

I'm sorry about your newt. It can be difficult to maintain animals sometimes, especially when you're on such a busy schedule like yours.
Well an interesting weekend.....

the rave ...well it was a rave tongue
Badly organized, badly promoted, badly timed..yada yada......however, I managed to get my work taped. It was the only productive thing that came out of the whole day/night.

My little dood went to my dad's for the evening so I could perform. My mum, who usually takes him, had to take my step-dad to the...
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small granules of excellence

That's really what it's all about, I'm convinced. Despite what the movies have told us, I don't expect to ever ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after, if I just have occasional moments of life that are great, that's good enough for me.

I'm really glad to hear that the dancing went well.

Ha! You can give me the boot all you want. I stand by what I said. tongue Actually, song lyrics are fine, I really don't mind them - what I don't like are journal entries that are only song lyrics. I'm a big proponent of originality of thought - so even if your entry is : The following things happened to me, because of them I'm listening to this song: song lyrics that's fine. I've never seen you do that anyway, so don't feel bad. smile

As for your biology question.... I'm not sure I follow you (granted, virology is NOT my specialty, though I guess I know a little bit about it.) What exactly do you mean by tesselate? As in fit together geometrically?
What's new.....

I'm dancing on Saturday at a rave. I've been dancing at raves for a long time and it always a gongshow. Promoters are a sketchy bunch and dealing with them on a professional level always requires a great deal of patience and getting in their faces. I made sure I got the proper tech rehearsal in. I don't know if it's going to...
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You and the dood enjoy the beach. I'll be thinking of you kiss
have fun at the beach

i'm confused
did you dance the rave?
or are you going to do so soon?

if soon... i wish you lots of luck
say hey to the lil dood for me
What is up with this weather???

Where is the cookin' 30+?? Not here. Grrrrr........

I painted the bathroom today. It's little so it didn't take me too long. I had painted some rectangular panels on each end at Christmas but now its finished...... So in between painting, the kitchen in a gongshow, the dood brings his friend over and I'm making hotdogs in between rolls...
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awwww thanks smile
You guys are awesome. I had fun myself just reading that.
Glad you're sleeping more. I have that weird loosing of teeth dream all the time too. I read somewhere once that it's suppose to symbolize a fear off loosing verility. But i'm not buying into that one just yet.

Oh, and i'd never trim you from my friends list.
You're far to cool to get the cut. wink

Slowly unwinding.....sleeping lots. Making art.......

Finally finished my hope chest. I finished the top of it quite awhile ago but the front panel has sat undone since last summer. I still need to sand it in spots and then varnish it. Voila!

The top.......
I updated the pictures this morning....I varnished everything and took pics while the sun was shining in my kitchen so they...
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love your skies ! always different + always the same.

your hopechest is fantastic.

also: pretty butterfly wing. smile
sorry! lovely moth wing. what kind?

when i was young i was terrfied of moths. i have no idea why.
Happy Birthday America!

I'm in love with Spiderman. ~sigh~

Well, I have had an amazing weekend.


Checked out two djs who spin house together. The one often plays the drum machine while the other spins 80's top 40 to house and break beats. A lot of fun. I don't naturally go out and listen to old 80s music but it was nostalgic to dance around...
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Ok....this could be a biggie.......

I've been reading Right Brained Child in a Left Brained World......
Both Aleks and I score very high and I have marginal autistic "tendencies"...
So, what does this mean.....well I've been reading this book to better understand his recent diagnosis of ADD and related learning disabilities. According to this writer, there is a direct correlation between extreme right brain...
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What an interesting sounding book. I have been lent a lot of great books from some very smart and interesting people I know. I love it when that happens. I alway learn something new and am usually entertained.
Ok....so my adventure continues... tongue

What does dancergirl get up to today??
She gets to go to the dump. YES, the dump folks. A trunk full of composting, smelly weeds and lawn cuttings get trucked off to the dump by yours truly. The dood thought it was great. "I've only been to one other dump in my life mom." LOL. Hey when life gets you down,...
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Poop. I can't sleep............


I think there is something on the roof of my house.......or wait........

[Edited on Jul 01, 2004 12:20AM]
"Going to a party?" he smiles at her.. "sounds like it!" .. Curious, this girl has an attitude, and he can tell by her looks. Leaning down to her open window, he realizes that all she's wearing is a long yellow cloth, leaving uncovered long legs that promise a nice smooth body. Certainly naked under the sarong, he feels his heartbeat rising up.. she's not hiding her passion, and that's a signal to him. She smiles back, cocking her head to one side and goes "Well, kind of. I'm actually on the way to a Martini party, and wondered if you fancied joining!" Why not, he was anyway on his way home, having a free eve from friends and looking forward to his quite den, so... "Shall I follow? I can't really leave my motor on the side of the road, so.. where's the meeting?"...

Time seems to have slipped away these past few days!


Ok, what a weekend. My dance piece.I'll write about it now that I'm not slightly inebbreiated.

It went well and it was such a relief to have it finished. My committee head was in the audience and I finally tapped into her. I think she finally has a small understanding of what I do...
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Wow, I know nothing of professional dance or theatre so it all sounds so intimidating. I am glad it went well for you.

1. Hazel
2. I don't wear t-shirts
3. Butter pecan
4. Yes!
5. 45-80 degrees
6. In a cake
7. maple syrup
8. Mountain
9. Coke with rum
10. Yes
I don't think women should rule the world.
Everything would be made like pink! And all the wallpapers would have kittens and naked Fabios!

But, my account will expire in a moment, and I'll be back in about a month, so hopefully see you then!
Thanks for all your well wishes.......

Ahhhhhh....... finally a few moments to sit and post something remotely worthwhile. I've also had a few kalhua and coffees and some sips of beer so I'm a little warm and fuzzy. I never drink. It's incredibly random so me feeling fuzzy is almost a new thing. Hehehe......

Performance went really well. I got a lot of really good...
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tongue whats wrong with being single and regret?