Hello all. It's been a long time since I was last on. I've been dealing with some health issues and of course getting ready for the wedding. Hopefully you'll see more of me.

Pretty ❤️
Thanks Sweetie

Food Porn

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Yumi! 😍

Went to the green house today. Just needed a little bit of Spring. here's some of the stuff I'm editing


Going to the burlesque show April 5. So excited!


So sometimes you just need a little something sweet . Since Teal started a new job last week and it was his brother's birthday yesterday I figure I'd make cake pops. yummyness!


So since I worked late last night I'm cook dinner for Teal tonight. He was so sweet and got me my favorite tart and flowers for v-day. Anyways cooking up steaks, baked potatoes, asparagus, and oreo cheese cake. not great for the wast line but a cheat day never hurt anyone.

Teal has also been working really hard and has started to go to the...
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I hate my body right now. I think I'm the heaviest I've ever been. No more fast food and I go for a walk with the dog at least once a day. I've got to do something I hate this! I've been looking at pictures that were taken in Jamaica and I hate them. There's only 8m until my own wedding. I think the only...
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I feel beyond stupid right now. My passport went mia. lucky it was found after 2 hours and a couple panic attacks later. here's hoping it will be an uneventful flight


1 more week and I'll be on a beach in Jamaica. Bring on the sun burn!

Oh wow, so jealous right now haha :(
Hop on a plane and join us.  there's about 50 of us going for my sis' wedding

Happy New Year lovelies