Been a while. Detroit? I have been gone a while. CD exchange sounds fun, and I think I remember one '04, that you talked about. Geez, time flies.
How's the summer been? Hope all is well. Later.
add me as a contact to see my pictures ! i think it's great. i love the little notes feature.
anyway, i've been busy as usual working the past few weeks. last weekend we got a break, kinda, and entertained micah and my BFF jef. the weekend was too short i miss them already
why am i totally addicted to msn games? oh yeah, beacause they give you little badges. i have 160 now. yeah yeah, i'm a nerd.
well, i had my first jewelry party last night. adam's mom threw one for me it went pretty well, i got a job offer from one lady to do sales for her company, but i think i'm needed here a... Read More
Sounds like things are going well for you. Good job!
I got so drunk on friday night, that i threw up in the bathroom of the bar! And i've also fallend many times while drunk haha. One time i think i got nerve damage because i couldn't feel a couple fingers on my left hand right for a few months after the fall. The irony being i was telling someone to watch their step on the wet steps at the time.
i wanted to go to sleep hours ago. but a friend of mine was very upset and needed to talk. in fact i got 2 phone calls from 2 other people who needed to talk. i feel so bad i can't just fix things for people.
shit, i can't fix things for myself! i'm having issues with KSU again. damn expensive college and... Read More
being a good friend is really hard sometimes...but it can be its own reward as well as producing good karma for you later...
sorry to hear about the frustrations. it's okay to be frustrated but try not to let either your friend's problems or the past totally ruin the happiness you've got going.
i'll say this because i have done the same thing a lot and it's come back to hurt me---it's not your responsibility to fix your friend's lives, just to support them and listen to them. i know it's easy to want to fix things, but you can't beat yourself up when you can't do the impossible or you'll never have peace.
hope you're finding happinesses daily and that you found your sleep
this is my first day off in like 3 weeks or something like that.
first i'd like to vent. and this is for someone who will never read this and isn't a member of SG:
if i want to "waste my life" in detroit, i will. and if you want to be my friend you will try and... Read More
anyone ever watch supermarket sweep? remember that game show? i so wanted to be on it, i have no idea why. and of course, now i'm old enough to be on it and it's not on anymore. *sigh* so, i'm thinking, we just make our OWN supermarket sweep in an unassuming grovery store.
one of my good friends from college found me on myspace! oh it's the little things like that that really make me happy. so, then i link to her page and find another good friend from college... sucks they live NO WHERE near me! and then i find another friend from college...he's wearing a dress in one picture and is naked in the shower with... Read More
I have yet to join this myspace bandwagon. Sounds fun though. I have checked out peepz just to see anyone if i can find anyone i know from highschool on there somewhere and have gotten some surprising results.
And don't worry. I never forget about the peepz back home when i'm out traveling. SUCKERS!!
Isn't that great? I just had a high school acquaintence, one of the few who I even cared to remember, find me on myspace as well. She shot me some photos of me graduating H.School that I didn't even know existed. Funny, digital/modern world we live in!
Have a safe and happy 4th!!