I read this in the gamergirls' thread, it sounded like something I would get at work (works at Gamestop). It's so cute, and super sweet. I thought I would post it.
Dearest GameStop Girl,
When I walked into your store that fateful Tuesday, I expected only to find a smattering of half-decent titles tucked back there amongst the used 360 games. Instead I found you,... Read More
This letter totally reminds me of The Dead Milkmen--
"We got into a car
Away we started rollin'
I said "How much you pay for this?"
She said "Nothing man, it's stolen"
Punk rock girl you look so wild
Punk rock girl let's have a child
We'll name her Minnie Pearl
Just you and me
Eating fudge banana swirl
Just you and me
We'll travel round the world
Just you and me punk rock girl."
OMG!! This is awesomeness!
i'm at work... surprised to be here. i'm hungover... finally got to party last night with my buddies from lacuna coil. it was criz's birthday. we went to wasted space, and jennifer and i brought him a cake up on stage. i had a blast. vinnie paul partied with us, along with evan from biohazard. it was crazy fun... whoo... gonna eat some yogurt and... Read More
Lucky you. I've seen Lacuna Coil but never met any of them. As hot as Scabbia is in pics, she's SO much hotter in real life (Yes, it it possible). As hot as she is, she does have a beautiful voice as well. It pisses me off that they're not that big in this country. They should be huge.
These guys are the greatest. They're not just funny in a spinal tap kind of way, they're also a really good band. And their videos are hillarious. The one clip reminds me of the old Twisted Sister clips.
So, I know what I want to get for my next tattoo. I want to get "Mina" "Rose" on my hands. I have really small fingers, so I'm scared that I can't do it. I really hope I can though. It's a big step, you know getting tattoos on your hands. I'm sure my daddy will hate it, but it's what I want. I know... Read More
My friend, I think the phrase "10 lbs" is present in 80 percent of your blogs! I gotta tell ya - don't ever use the word diet... I know what you mean, but "diet" to me means "temporary thing" that someone does in order to fit into that bikini next month. It's going to take a positive lifestyle change to lose that 10lbs and keep it off.
This is something I think you're ready to do. Don't get wrapped around the axle about exercise - day to day activities are usually sufficient unless you: a) Play World of Warcraft 8 hours a day like I used to or b) eat like a douche. You've got the right idea keeping your metabolism goin' with the small but frequent meals. East a decent breakfast (w/in an hour of waking up) to get yourself a jumpstart and trim all the red flag shit. I dropped soda and ice cream entirely, cut my red meat and cheese and mayo by 75 percent, and started drinking tons of water. Once you get in that zone fresh clean water is ADDICTING!
So, I already posted about my breakfast yesterday with Marianne. Things are really starting to pick up already. I'm probably going to set up our page on cancer.org/stridesonline this weekend when we get together to go over fund-raising. She said Vannashene and Texas wanna help out. I also wrote Ashtin and she's down too. I have a lot of ideas on things I think... Read More