Tripple G #MexicanStyle! Gennady Golovkin knows how to give the fans what they want! I just hope he protects his health lol! Not retire early like the video game! Because Mexican fights have a history of putting it all on the line every fight! Where it might be bad for long term fighter! But I'm sure he's camp's watching him closely & advising him well!...
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In an effort to read more today as I got an oil change I picked up a magazine 'The Red Bulletin'! I read about this island off Ireland and Switzerland where they have really tall mountains with lakes that lead into the sea, (the pics beautiful) so the waves are about 15 feet with whitecaps which make it dangerous and the water is around 37...
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In San Francisco African-Americans protested against healthcare. Another thing going on this MLK weekend was the Academy Awards did not nominate any black actors personally my favorite movies of the year were straight out of Compton & Creed! I'm taking a note from Jimmy South's Park's school paper editor & reporting truth and of course looking for the story! Haha :)

Another thing I heard...
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I just bought a new controller which allows me to play more games! The ones that square & circle buttons are super important! Now I know why the buttons wore out! This time I'll used the anolog stick! Fight Night Championship! Legacy mode is cool I like to playing as myself as the charter! Also remember this if you keep getting bad medical reports, you'll...
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OK in true Democratic fashion I am split between Haily Clinton & Berrnie Sanders! For one we all know about Miz Clinton and I would vote her over Berrnie Sanders AT THIS POINT!

First I notice Bernie Sanders is a good person.Obviously a very smart !an to have made it this far in the voting! It would be fresh to have a new face in...
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Follow up to last blog post! Rams are officially coming back to L.A ;) The Chargers have the chose to come also or not! If they don't then Raiders will then be able to move make sure Los Angeles will have two teams! San Diego has a year to reply!

My best hope we get Raiders, hater learn how to act & or go to...
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Liz Habib said some Owner think The Raiders have an image problem! I agree, something tells me that they'll be more fighting then if other teams came! Safety first right?

Raiders where the first ones to want to come out hear because they are not making enough money! Then Charges wanted to move hear because of Raiders! It's a business move because they don't want...
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On behalf of Pac 12 fans I want to apologize for Stanford's band to the Iowa State Hawk Eyes and their fans! If that was USC this city would be pissed! I'm saying where do you draw the line? I think Master P said it! Never talk down on a player unless your ready to be labeled as a hater! ;)


After all the times I talk about zombies on Facebook & maybe SG gaming truth I onlyed played Call of Duty Black Ops & World War Z is my favorite Zombie movie! Along with Resident Evil & Resident Evil After Life! Walking Dead season one! Favorite also! Now I just got The Last of Us! I love it haha! The other war game I played...
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"Hello darkness my old friend!" Lol reminds meee of bible my bro told mee! King Solomon had demons build him a cassel!🏀