I plan to watch The Walking Dead! I was wating to catch up on missed episodes but time pass by so fast I'll just jump back in now!


In light of former Police Chief pleading guiltily, I'm not familiar! With the details other then an FBI undercover investigation caught him in a lie! From what I understand cops where doing things like betting people up then charging them with assaulting an officer! Also police corruption in general! As a person that was in jail like 5 days at a time,, I can say...
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I noticed that the entertainment industry is remaking things that where big from 1990's For example Jarassic Park huge blockbuster! Also Star War Phantom Menace Came out 1999! Also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I seen the last movie with a date! Also the one rave I went to Turns out the fan base is still their! Till then I almost forgot about it! Also I...
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On second I guess my Gtothem blog are more about freedom, then trying to control! So it's for everybody even if they have Different political views!! :)


I'm a creature of Habbit that's very random too or Oxymoron! In an extremest I suppose! Haha everyday feeling the same tho! Wake up eat breakfast run, work then bed! Also this job has less coworkers! My friends I used chill with moved to Las Vegas doing good af! Got their own spots! Also my cousin going on his second child and holding down a...
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Craziest thing happen today! Lol first love! Anyway I seen her name on Facebook and I sent an FR if no other reason then to apologize! In high school I fucked up! I'm sure I payed for it by now Krama! But anyways I seen her once after we talked! She roll up on meee! I think, its soooo long ago that I can't fully...
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I never picked a winner between Peyton Manning in the Broncos versus Carolina Panthers and I'm not! ;)


Ok hears the million dollar question! God made man! Then women from man's rib! The came original sin! Now this God's a jealous god, can't go to the farter unless though the son Jesus! But what if Judgment Day is God saying! Will you still choose to be with women over being holy, perfect following God/Jesus' word? Or will you choose to sin like the...
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Don't worry so much.  There is no God. You're good!!

I Created Adonis Hollywood Johnson in Fight Night on PS3! Now tho I'm cleaning out my system for a drug test! So the idea of playing video games not high is still cool! <3 love that movie!!!!


I just read this gossip web site about how Derek Jeter gave herps to famous actress's! Damn they have fame! But makes meee thank God/Jesus for my health! Also real talk for a guy I pass on sex SOMETIMES because I'm like smh, is she too easy plus super fine! I bet all the players are trying to hit!