Finally found a copy of this in a discount bin... what is generally considered one of the worst Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules ever published. It's reputation in D&D circles is on par with that of Plan 9 from Outer Space. Gonna dig in and see what all the fuss is about.

HAPPY MARCH 25th!!! The Day Sauron Fell! And International Tolkien Reading Day!

People who've been to my house know that I have a lot of old Tolkien editions on my shelves. This is me w/ one of the best items from my JRRT collection: what is, to the best of my knowledge, the 1st paperback boxed set from Ballantine, with the iconic BREM art in
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That's a great book!

For those who don't know, Hasbro now owns Dungeons & Dragons. Recently, a document was leaked from Hasbro, the "OGL 1.1", which will revoke and retroactively limit the rights of third-party vendors to create D&D content, superseding the first OGL (Open Games License) which has been around for decades, and has allowed third-party vendors to create amazing D&D adventures and products.

I'm old enough that
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20-mile bike ride though the Carolina marshes. Stopped off in a county park with a workout station and used my own resistance bands for a shoulder and arm workout. I stink. Coated with dried salt and sweat. But I’m also feeling good and happy. Growing old is NOT for sissies...


DEAR FUCKING GOD!!! A South African plutocrat, whose wealth is based on the dehumanization of Black People in his daddy's apartheid-era jade mine, posts a picture in which ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE ARE LEFT TO DIE, held at bay by armed guards????? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!! Can't you brain-dead Musk-worshipping fucknuts hear him saying the quiet parts out loud??? That the gene pools worth saving from
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From my The Arts Fuse appreciation of Bob Fosse's CABARET, upon the occasion of the film's 50th anniversary:

_“Just another weekend in Weimar,” is how our very own Lord Haw-Haw, Tucker Carlson, described a drag event busted up by neo-fascists in Dallas the week of June 8, giving tacit approval to the act.

Fifty years after Bob Fosse’s Weimar-era musical Cabaret was released, which depicted
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OK... Mike's gonna be Grouchy McGrognard, here.

My problem with so many fantasy TV shows on now is that, as a Dungeons & Dragons player with 40 + years of experience, there are very few situations these TV writers can cook up that me 'n my D&D buddies haven't been in and handled a fuck of a lot better than the TV characters do.

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I seem to be in the minority of critics who loved Wakanda Forever, but, here goes...



You know in sitcoms and romcoms, when the "homely" girl suddenly becomes "hot" when she loses her glasses and lets her hair down? I have always dug those girls much, much more * before * they lose the glasses and the hair bun. This is Pugsly's teacher from The Addams family, upon whom Pugsly has a debilitating crush. I get where you're coming from, Pugsly.
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