I applied to be a SG today... Weee.

Lets see, I went shopping today, Went to Walmart. Much fun. I also bought the Mortal Love cd, and a new corset. Im hungry..Ill update later.
ooh good luck smile
Thank you muchies ^_^
Weee. Just joined. Can't wait to start taking piccies so I can post them.
Lets see, I just moved into a new house! yay ^^.
I moved in with my boyfriend, in Orlando, FL..Whilst my Mormon parents moved away to Utah, Ew..

I just did this ridiculous excerise routine. Do not buy "Salsa workout" You will look like you are on crack whilst trying to...
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Welcome to the site. Nice of you to post your first comment in a Black Metal thread. biggrin

Lol. Thank you Sir.