It is very well done, and I love the colours
Got a 'new' rifle. Course, 70yrs old is not new, but it's still a beautiful gun. It's a Model 1903 Remington. Just finished cleaning the tremendous amount of grease that was all up inside it. Hoping to get to shoot it soon. Also found a place nearby that has ammo for my Type 38 Arisaka rifle back home. 6.5mm JAP is a bit hard to...
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Very nice!
Sweeeet smile
Mark your calendars for January 19th! HOCKEY IS BACK! Let's go DEVILS!
Well I reckon ALS ain't going too bad. Had a few minor hiccups, but nothing major. Had our practice eval on Drill the other day, if I had just called the command a split second sooner, then the lead element's toe wouldn't have touched the grass and I'd of crushed the eval. Also did the practice test. Missed passing by 1pt, so thats good to...
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Going through Airman Leadership School, my first taste of college-level classes. Serves as a reminder why I dislike doing classes like this. I am more adept at hands-on technical like stuff like I did in training for my job (sheet metal). Second day of class and we were given a shit ton of stuff to do. Several mandatory reading assignments on leadership viewpoints, first couple...
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you are beautiful wink

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.

-Theodore Roosevelt

(This may dissolve into some incoherent rambling, couple of stiff drinks and ADD makes it hard to stay on one topic)

This quote sums up what I have always felt in my adult life. Patriotism is a fine line. You go too far and it becomes Nationalism,...
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Got addicted to minecraft on my Nexus 7 Tablet. That bit the dust, now I'm addicted to the PC version...oh so much better.
Changing bases. Going to Florida come march for the foreseeable future. Just started the reenlistment process yesterday, so the bonus will kick in well before then. Airman Leadership School starts early November, so I'll have that next stripe on by then as well. Best part is my riding buddy also got orders to the same unit, so we're heading down there together and splitting a...
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very good!