One of the coolest internet news articles --apart from SG land news-- I have read in a while. It's inspirational.... 80 years old and still stripping... Well 80 years old and still a burlesque performer keeping sensuality alive.... smile
I am so ready to start packing..... Not much longer but I'm ready now...
I got a jury duty notice in the mail. *ugh* Not that I would mind being on a jury BUT I'm a stay-at-home mom of a two year old and will be 8 months pregnant when they want me to serve. I can't afford fucking day-care. Or to have my husband take a day off of work to stay home to watch her while I...
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I was thinking. If I could be any character from Peter Pan (the Robin Williams movie remake) I wouldn't be all the norms other people would pick. I wouldn't be Peter, I wouldn't be Wendy or Tink. I wouldn't be hook or any of the pirates. I wouldn't be the indians or the mermaids. You know who I would be?
*shit* Now I can't think...
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what happened to being honest? honesty is supposed to be the best policy. yah right. if you really honest with a friend, and i mean really honest, tell it how it is and how you see it, how do you think that will go? not very well. it never does. it used to be a cute thing when we were all kids and told the...
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amen. let the truth be told for all to hear.
I want to move. Away from the cold, the drama, the insecure people belittling me to make themselves seem more important and secure. I want a new place to live, new friends, new scenery, and warmer weather. I want to move back home. Florida, where my heart is. Florida where the sunshine is. Florida, where my family is. Florida.
Wow.. thank you..

I hope you are feeling happier than when you wrote this ^^^^^
p.s. its warm in Atlanta.. if you want a vacation that is smile
I have insomnia and was cruising myspace when I came across a bulliten my friend had posted. I thought I wodl post it here since some of the questions got to me....

25 deep questions that will really tell you something about me. Not stupid questions like "what is your favorite lip gloss?"

1. What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when...
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your skin is like porceline (sp?)... you are absolutely beautiful.. i love this pic ^^^^^

and.. thank you for the sweet things you said. Its made my day.

Onie kiss
So like I was saying I got out of the hospital Saturday morning. And boy was I loopy form the meds. I think I just came home and crashed for the rest of the day I was so out of it. Then Tuesday I got my staples out and noticed that my scar is healing funny. Like the staples weren't where they were supposed to...
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as an asshole does im just reading your post even tho it was from sept... so sorry about that... but yeah.. i know what you mean.. beauty is so subjective, ya know.. i think there is something beautiful in the unflawless... altho i hate the word flaw i cant think of another word to use right now so it will due but you get the idea.

So I got out of the hospital. Saturday morning from kidney surgery. My stomach looks like I'm part frankenstien so I'm thinking of not doing the modeling thing I wanted to do.... But then again I don't know... I'm somewhat loopy from the pain medication but it's better then being in pain. I can't handle that stuff well.... Anyways I'm out, I'm free! *YaY* ooo aaa
So I go into work on Tuesday expecting to work the floor cause I wasn't told otherwise and I'm dressed nice.. Even wore semi-heels... Well I don't work the floor I work in the back... Which irrated me cause someone could have told me so I could have wore more casual stuff... Or at least SNEAKERS.

Then I'm told by a manager that the note...
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