I had the best time tonight. Fitz and I went out to dinner and then to the turf club for Shonen Knife's 1000th show. We ran in to thejuanupsman and his wife. It was so much fun and Shonen Knife was so good. I'm so stoked I am not sure I will be able to sleep tonight. Good thing I took tomorrow morning off.
Fitz and I are going to see Shonen Knife at the Turf Club on Sept 16th. I am so excited, I have always wanted to see them and I love the Turf Club. I cannot wait. This is going to be awesome.
My soon to be mother in law is driving me crazy. She monopolizes all of Fitz's time and has to have her way on everything. I cannot wait for her to find her own place.
Ugghh. She is here and I am miserable. Fuck.
I am so stressed. My boyfriend's mom recently retired and cant afford to stay where she is anymore. We've been trying to find her another place but she rejected every place as too expensive or too far away from her mother. So for the time being she will be living with us. Presumably while she saves up for a new place. Now, less than a...
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I still kind of hate the new site, but, since it doesn't look like it's going to change back and I'm still here I guess I'll try to get used to it. Fitz and I have been living together for almost 2 months now. Some things have taken some getting used to but overall it's pretty damn awesome. No more lonely nights. :)
Fitz and I went for a run this morning. Only 5 miles and I feel like I am going to die. I am seriously out of shape.
Man, this is going to be a long day. I couldn't sleep at all last night. Just tossed and turned and stared at the clock. Finally dozed off a little sometime after 5 but then it felt like my alarm went off just a few minutes later. I am so tired. And of course it's cold and snowing so my commute will suck. Boo.
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I kind of hate the new site. Hopefully it will grow on me.