I'm sick...and have been for the last three days frown. My throat's swollen and sore as hell. Really nothing else hurts but it sucks because I can't eat anything other than soft food. So, lots of yogurt, more yogurt, and tea. Really not sure what it is, but my medical insurance sucks this year so I don't want to go to the doctor because I...
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I hope you feel better soon! but not working is always good smile

Hope your night is better than your day was!!
Well...found out my job, as it exists today, is going away. The good news is that I get to keep my job. The bad news is, we're going to do outbound call sales essentially. Not what I signed up for. Our manager isn't going to be our manager anymore because they wanted sales-orientated management. That sucks, because I was tight with her and had a...
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Ok...so these are pretty few and far between. I guess there just hasn't been a whole lot of exciting stuff going on in my life.

Ever wake up in the morning and realize...this is not what I thought my life is supposed to bee? I don't know why I've felt like that the past few weeks, but it won't go away. Obviously it's time to...
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Working for the man can get tiring.
So I haven't written since December really, but I'm still alive. I'd like to say it's because I've been having so much fun, but not really. Just still slaving away for the man. Ah well, what can you do?
Glad you're still alive!
How have you been?
Confused today about a few things...but first...Christmas...

Well...except Christmas wasn't that terribly exciting. It's really only meant for families and kids, so it's really wasted on the likes of me...so on to everything else.

So work has become just almost unbearable. The bank I work for is really not offering any promotions w/in the area that I work. Our increases are going to be non-existent,...
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Good luck with whichever direction you decide to go with the work stuff.
Well thank you. That was very nice smile
I've been MIA and lots has been going on, so I'll fill you in. Work has been absolutely nuts. The first part is about work, and is pretty boring. So, unless you're interested in the economy and how I'm involved, then don't bother with this

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
For those who don't remember or know, I work at a bank and deal w/upset customers....
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thank you. i appreciate the encouragement. sometimes its scary to go against the flo.

I know I should be grateful to have a job, and I really am, but I just need to find something else to do.

i feel like this a lot. everyday i read about people searching for jobs and i am so thankful to have one, but then people who are a little better off than me come in and hassle me about the stupidest most petty stuff. sigh. but sometimes you have to take the bad with the good.

and please don't ever become more of a jerk due to some bad experiences. its sad to see so many nice guys abused and changed. i've seen this happen too many times.


Regardless...I need to learn how to be more of a dick I guess to play this dating nonsense.

Now why would you wanna go and do that??!? You're a nice, intelligent, and handsome man, and granted you may not have found someone to appreciate that yet, it's an admirable mix and you should try to keep it. Changing yourself to attract quantity rather than quality doesn't usually work out too well in the end-- if you act like a douchebag and attract girls like that, what does it say about the girls themselves? And what does it say about you for wanting to attract chicks like that??
What kind of qualities are you looking for in a woman?? YOU are the one making the choice, so please don't make the mistake of preening just so a woman comes to you-- be proactive about that shit and go out and get what you want! You have great qualities, so when you do find the right type of women I don't think it should be too hard overall tongue

That said..... you can still be kind and tactful while being selective about what you want-- no dickishness necessary. The good womens will pick up on it wink

I have 10 days off in a row starting tomorrow...why am I not more excited?
And with all those days off I know you couldn't use work as an excuse wink It's ok, hopefully you won't be a stranger at future events
Thank you for the kind words you left my set in MR... your support and positivity is very much appricaited... How is your week going? Happy 2009 to you if i dont talk to you before then.... and have a safe and happy holidays!
Really weird weekend....not really gonna go into it right now cuz I'm exhausted. I guess I'll just say I'm disappointed for the time being...
Hope everything is ok...
Well hope you get some rest!

And you might be right about my friends, last year we went out to eat and they didn't buy me a drink or dinner. I thought since i am making them dinner they would atleast buy a drink!
Short and sweet this time...had a crazy Thanksgiving w/my dad's side of the fam...though them being crazy is the norm these days. The rest of the day was pretty good though biggrin. I've been off since Wednesday night and I haven't stopped since. I think I work these days just to be able to relax from the weekends smile.

Booked my tickets for Austin to...
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hey, i'm doin well, thank you... i actually just got back from rhode island 2nite and went to iguana macks in chandler... which maloneys r u at in ur pics?
oh, i used to work at the 1 in Tempe... thats how i recognized it was maloney's smile i love iguana macks... used to practically live there!! and yeah, RI was cold as shit!!
Well since it's been a week I should probably update. As for my friend that was killed last weekend, they caught the guy shortly after I wrote my last blog, and he's sitting in jail now with his bail set at half-a-mil on 2nd degree murder charges. I hope someone makes him their prison bitch and he gets the shit kicked out of him.

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Glad they caught that fucker who killed your friend. Funerals for people that young are the most surreal and awful thing, its just devastating, I am sorry you had to go through all that.

Thanksgiving should be good, having people over my house. What are your turkey day plans?
A friend of mine that I used to work with got killed in a bar not far from my house last night...some guy got into it with him to start shit, anf got kicked out. When my buddy left the bar the guy was out in the parking lot waiting to run him over...really don't feel like sayin much else right now...here's the story if...
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Jesus, that's terrible. I am so sorry
fucking unreal, sorry man
So now I have extra time to post more so I'm gonna, haha. Apparently my modem and internet stuff has been sitting in the office for the last two weeks...no one told me mad. I wasn't terribly happy about that so I let them know...I had to call Qwest for them to tell me that it had been delivered the day after I moved in....
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ditto with the planning of the weekend!
Don't play the dating game. Win it.

Ha, just kidding, I never have anything very insightful when somebody talks about the dating game. I have just found it is more fun to be single then in a shitty relationship, so I think as long as your not with a person you aren't happy with, you are on top of things.