why oh why do some of the most beautiful woman insist on ruining your bodies by enlarging your tits!?!? I don't understand it really. I've seen several of some of my most favorite SGs come out with a new set and have fake boobs. Its my personal opinion that you're throwing away the beauty that you already had been blessed with. Tattoos and piercings are...
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I find that i can't make a proper judgement of a womabs physical beauty if i can't see her feet. I don't have a fetish about it or anything I just think it days a lot about a woman that cares for her feet. To me nothing sets off a great set of legs than a pair of pretty feet and painted toesies. Am I...
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@mcshredsalot so what? don't worry about that. Just because you like pretty feet doesn't mean you have a fetish (wich probably is what they think when you talk about it) or that you are weird. Don't be silly :3
Not weird at all. Lots of guys like pretty feet without being into the fetish/foot worship thing (including me). I agree that it says something about a woman taking care of herself if she doesn't neglect her feet. Honestly, I can't be in a relationship with a girl if she has ugly feet, whether the ugliness is natural or from neglect. Hell, I even had a girlfriend who was into female feet and was not bi. We all have physical preferences, and it's nothing to apologize for or question. 

i just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to the most beautiful people in the world!!! So Happy Thanksgiving SG!!


well I start a new job on the 18th. I'm pretty excited about it. Since exiting the service I've kind of had tunnel vision as far as the job market goes. This is what I was trained to do, I'll never get a job doing anything else kind of thinking. I had an opportunity present itself to me and I jumped on it. I have...
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good luck :)
@hitomy thanks you ! :) I started yesterday and I love my new job!

I must say, browsing SG after sneaking my phone into work definitely helps the night go by faster. When ever I engage in voyuerism is fun either way but the people here are so much more interesting that most other places I visit :-)


Why is it so many girls seemed to be afraid to show their feet? Its not like I have a fetish, but I do like a girl with pretty feet and I also think it says something about a woman that takes care of her feet as well as her hands. Am I the only one who feels that way? Hope not, I'll start to...
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since I've exited the service a year or so ago I've been having a rough time adjusting, especially in the area of communicating with normal people. It seems my forward and honest approach to everything is offensive and most times misconstrued. I'm starting to wonder is I need to change or just not waste my time with those whom don't appreciate honesty. This is my...
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It is a great community. I can honestly say I have met some of my best friends through SG, even if they may lives miles upon miles away. I suppose we are all pretty far from normal, haha. 
awww cute <3

why does It seem the last hour of the night shift seem to last for days......Ugh...

i always feel the same xD
I seriously miss the snow.......In need of 8k feet and some pow...NOW!!!
Whats your Favorite of the Seven Deadly Sins.....I would have to say mine is Lust
i'll say i love your profile picture! too sweet!
Thank You, she is my little angel