It is now Monday morning. Most people are heading into work for the first day of the week. It is my third. LoL. I feel decent today. A little sleepy, just waking up. This Thursday I'm hoping to go check out my pictures. smile Proofs, of course, and pick some out to submit.
EXCITING! love love love
with the rapidity with which the good times pass into memory, it is so much more important to find a trigger to recall them quickly.

our society is such that we live for the highs, then fall asleep and crawl through the lows. my shoot was just yesterday. it feels like last month's triumphant memory.

that would be partly due to someone (NO ONE IN...
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My sweet MayariX. Please let me know who this small minded individual is so I can politely part their hair line permanently with a spade shovel. You have more true beauty in a loche of your hair than any other woman I have met in NM so far and much more beautiful than anyone I knew back in NY.
awww. you guys are the best. smile smile *hugs*
and the shoot is done! the morning started promptly at 645am. got up, put on the top i was going to wear, then put on some jeans to travel in. i kept my boots, micromini skirt and other stuff in a bag. smile

we went out to the site of the shoot and it went soooo well, i think. there are surely enough good pictures in...
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ya know, running around the camera, sitting on the bed, and trying to look casual is tough to do in 10 seconds...

am just trying to get fuschia a good name. lol it got such a bad rep in the 80's.
Love your boots! Best of luck!
ok, we have come to the eve of the photoshoot. i am sooo excited i can barely think. things went well at work yesterday, but of course i could have done better. i am not going to worry about that for the time being. i've got my photoshoot to worry about instead. one thing at a time; one day at a time.

i can't wait...
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Remember to post an update after you're done shooting!
Good luck! kiss
Good luck.... love
the photoshoot is day after tomorrow. ask me if i'm sleeping... the answer is no. i've got a lot of stuff on my plate besides.

tomorrow all the sups are out of office at some meeting/ conference that starts tomorrow. i'm interested in what goes on there, but i'm sure it'll filter down. that means... i have sup duty tomorrow. should be fun and exciting...
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not really if you do it right. I go up a size every three to five months you have to let the ear heal before you can go bigger. it hurt only when I did it for the first time probably because I had the holes since I was five and it was a new experience for my ears. the reason my ears are different sizes is because my left ear wasn't ready to go up a size, and bled when I but the bigger earring in. but that didn't hurt either.

but also I have a high tolerance for pain, but in short no if you do it right, read the stretching thread in the piercing group that's where I got my info.

can't wait to see your hot naked ass, haha. love
dont get bummed out if its rejected. i believe SG is only taking 2 a day now (since there got to be soooo much backlog) also be aware that if you upload your set for Second Chance it cannot be deleted. just wanted to let you since we werent informed of the change until a SG tried to remove her set. Good Luck on your set!! is Dave shooting it?
haha... so we are now within a week of the photoshoot and am getting nervous. and excited. and nervous. and excited!

this is going to be fun and very hot! my new music fascination: Sixx:AM The Heroin Diaries "Life is Beautiful"...

good song... lyrics in the spoilers:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

You can’t quit until you try
You can’t live until you die
You can’t...
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Less than a week...huh? I cannot wait to hear all about it. kiss
hm. so that does it. i mentioned my feelings to my friends with benefits partner. he insists that he doesn't want a relationship with me because relationships ruin friendships. i have discovered that we are never going to go out and we're never going to be anything more than what we are. i feel crushed. i feel hurt. i've been crying all day and i...
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I randomly came across your profile and I just wanted to say you're amazingly beautiful. You look so soft and curvy love
No worries about this little rough spot...

The "benny-friends" thing rarely works, because you are usually only in it for the benefits, but not really the friendship.

Besides, if they didn't see how amazing you are, and care for you the same as you cared for them, then they didn't deserve you in the first place.

And I'd be down for pizza and a movie anytime.
alright, time to get the other major situation off my chest... c&p from my deadjournal account.


ok, it's time to write in the journal some really long thoughts. i don't feel like typing it out more than once and as always deadjournal is the one linked to my journaling program.

i'm really fucking stressed of late. there are a lot of reasons why. and...
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I like the last paragraph...do it baby!
gosh it seems that everyone is going on vacation except for me. that .. sucks. lol. i have work today and tomorrow; am off labor day and the day after (i thought i was going to shoot my set on tuesday). i feel sad! what a bummer. oh well. i may need to take next tuesday off, too.
It just looks like something a guy would do! wink

At least you do have some time off.
I'll take a vacation just the next week...
that week we keep working^^
For the ladies: I have found a new weapon of choice...

Instead Softcup

I am almost in love... love
LOL....It looks like something a guy would design.
The good news: I'm still here. And sitting at flying star on juan tabo and montgomery eating for the first time in 2 days. god this had better not make me fat, damnit.

The better news: My monthly visitor is finally here; 3 days or more late. The shoot is delayed because of this stupidity.

The good/bad news: no rotting in the apartment for me....
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Make me a promise and let me know if you are truly considering it. This world would be a much worse place without you. Seriously!
i feel really upset tonight. my friend with benefits thing is starting to just feel neglectful to me. he never takes me out on dates, we never do anything special together. we just hang out at his house and have sex. he always goes out with his girlfriend and i always am ending up in second place. i love when we're together and it hurts...
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Don't give up just stay postive. I know that you probably hear that all the time. But trust me it works. I have been through hell and back since the day I was born. There were rapes, abuse, and just really bad relationships but I stayed possitive as best as I could. And I ended up with the greatest guy in the world.
Also if you ever need to talk I'm here for you.