well at this stage it seems like my mum is going to be fine thank fuck for that!!!
Thats awesome news dude. Just had Mikes 21st at the races yesterday and my Dad's best mate Lou came, he let my Mum know later in the night that he has lung cancer, and there is nothing they can do. He probably won't have long - a few months...

So glad your mum can get some help. smile
So sorry to hear about your Mum frown I hope there is something they can do.
well i wont be taking the promotion.i just found out my mother has cancer n i know ill need to be down there to look after her which probly means quiting my job anyhow.oh what a fanfuckingtastic year its been.She will go in for more tests this week n find out how bad it is, hopefully its early enuff to treat.
I understand what you're going through frown
Never quit fighting, stand by her.
I wish you and your family all the best.
Dude that's messed up.
Hope they can get on top of it.
So yesterday i did my very first all vego shop n now my cupboards n fridge is stacked!!!i have so many things to nibble on,i forgot how good soy crisps are.been making some weird shit but its kinda fun beeing back in the kitchen n learning new stuff.I havnt had this much energy and felt so well in years its bizzar and ill probly be...
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I'm glad you've not embraced hippydom, I wish to spill the blood of flower children biggrin
Hahahaha yes, you should slaughter a cow and feast on it!
FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!no idea what 2 do!!!robot
Do it man. What's a year out of your life for the opportunity?
do it maxi! it sounds like a great opportunity and its only 6months. we'll come visit... lismore will be tolerable if you have mates there smile road trip for us, company for you. win win. plus you said yourself, who knows where you could end up after the training?! that could be a really great travel opportunity! some of us never step out of our comfort zone and as a result, miss out on some great opportunities!
hmmmm interesting day...im main choice between 3 for a promotion,45k per year(as trainee) but there is a catch......ill have to move back home to the lismore/ballina arearobot
im in a bit of a pickle here...
Wow, thats pretty awesome. It could be well worth it....Is Sam from Lismore originally? If not, tell her it's an awesome place and trick her into going with you tongue lol Tough decisions to be made though...would you be miserable being back there? Or would you like being near your Mum and catching up with old mates - if there are any there? How long would you have to be there? Weigh it up!!
He can't lie to a girl like that, Lismore's a horrid place!!
Hope the decision is reached easily dude. Change can be brilliant, but going back to an old place can also be a drag.
Congrats on the promotion opportunity!!
damn moshers neckblackeyed
Haha! Self inflicted maxi! What's goin on?
nah i didn't go, and i'm not sure if anyone else in the crew did either. i've been a bit sick so i'm kinda taking it easy cos i can't really afford to take time off work atm. how are things with you and sam going? peechy by the sounds of it smile we'll have to catch up soon. its been ages!
omg pinotnoir chocolate is THE SHIT!!!biggrin
Pinot noir + chocolate is pretty good too.
There were a few different bottles I wanna try when I was wine hunting for a friend on Saturday. Pinot bottles are so sexy.
soooooo ive found somthing i was looking for,its taken a while but i have what i want now....im in love!!!love
the fourth kind=shittest scifi of 2009 maybe the decade maybe ever!!!!
never eating meatball spagbol againpuke
think i maybe turning vego n its a lil scary but im feeling a hell of alot better....i just wanna be able to enjoy a nice big steak n not feel like throwing up afterwardsrobot