I love eating healthy, I do I do; but it is soo hard to not cheat (my diet) and drink some wine and eat cheese(om nom nom nom), I love cheeses, and wine. So good but so bad.


I've been so busy with everything, job, house, single life, and ESO! Working on my townhouse to sell this summer, taking courses and certifications to change jobs, being single well not much to say about that, I think ESO kind of takes care of that one lol. The weather at least has been wonderful that past week, helps to do more things outside.


So excited just put bravery default on pre-order, been waiting for this game to come to america since I saw it come out. now to go buy a 3DS lol. In other news dating still sucks, I swear 99% of the women on match want a guy that is 6 feet tall. I mean I love tall women its hot, but height isn't a deal...
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My day was going so well then it ended with drama because I had to inform once again I had to inform a new guard of the security rules he was opening not complying with... I don't get paid to be the supervisor, but I do my job and part of it is to make sure people follow rules, really irritating when someone is going...
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So I joined a dating website, and I'm not sure how this works, I feel like I'm ether supposed to example A: fish using one rod and when i get a bite go for it, or B: use multiple rods and keep the biggest fish. it's like ok so several people are interested pick one and ignore the others? or its dating go on a...
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Sorry if I don't get back to replying this week, my uncle ended up passed Tuesday so I will be out of it this week.


today is just one of those days, so I ordered pizza and I am drinking a bunch of scotch


So since I now have this I phone, it has become easy to get some photos up finally. old process of using the ones I would put on my computer via camera, needed all sorts of re-sizing and what not to meet the file size to post. Such a pain in the ass that process was.

So this was part of my vacation in Texas,
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Cool!, nice backpiece 

New site is definitely different to navigate around, don't like it so far because it now takes longer to load pictures and pages....and I don't have slow internet. Liking my new Iphone C, texting more because of it since there is a full keyboard lol. Work is starting to get more and more full of BS with our young inexperienced boss constantly messing up and...
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So I finially used my phone upgrade and got a new phone. Even though I'm a techy geeky guy I still use a flip phone...why cuz it does what I need it makes calls lol. Soo this new Iphone is mhhh different. All my coworkers freaked out seeing me without my old phone lol. And I figure what the hell the government already has my...
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As my plane landed back into DC, I could only help but feel like my past week and a half vacation was a dream, a wonderful dream. I got to see so much of my family and friends or the first time in a long time. biggrin
hehehe, thats great!! big kisskiss
Yeah, and safely arrived in Austin Texas.. to bad I have to wait around for 2hrs for my ride to get me, good thing for laptops and wireless 4g devices.