Just been pottering around and added a load of people to my Friend list - purely so I can click to their journals easily and quickly. So if anyone feels I'm being overly friendly, ask to be removed and I'll nod politely then stick out my tongue. There's nothing much going on round here at the moment, I have very few work hours this week...
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This Year's Most Open Heartbreak was just a track off the Four Ways To Scream Your Name EP that they did a live video for. The single was called Juneau, although the original version (from the Between Order And Model EP) was indeed called Juno.

Of course, no-one but me cares in the slightest about this... And quite rightly too.
there is now balance in the world. eee you know your onions dont you
Well the 'Edit Preferences' page isn't crashing my browser anymore, which is nice. It was more likely to be my crappy computer than any kind of bug in the new site though, so I have nothing to blame except for my poor financial status. My body has recovered somewhat from the incursion of the fiendish virus (who I've decided to call 'Steve' for reasons which...
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For the record, I'm in favor of the inside-of-wrists tattoos.

Edit Prefs was crashing my browser too, which I also blame on my poor crappy computer. Hopefully it's over all that now. Knock on wood.

I've never before thought of naming my viruses/colds, but I'll have to consider that next time I get sick...
i recommend writs.. i have one there which is easily concealed by watch, braclet, whateve, even in the summer, but can be in plain sight when needed biggrin
Coupoe of enquireys now smile
*hey how long did it take for the flu to come n go?
*do you know the cute guy at the Cockpit (short dark hair, a lil beardy thing too i think, flame tatt around top of wrist)???
*would you go to a Leeds SG meetup?

Thanx kiss
OK, so first things first - the new look SG site. I have to admit at first I was reasonably horrified by it all. It seemed all blocky and crammed and weird. But I have to say after only 20 minutes or so of clicking around I'm alright with it, it's definately a 'grower'. The things that are rearranged seem mostly to be for the...
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On the old layout, it didn't make sense to me to NOT have the pictures in reverse order. But I got used to that, and now that they are, it's weird.

I'm not much a fan of the art either. I think it's vulgar and trashy.

Get well soon...
Happy Dia De Los Muertos! skull
PS.I wanna here your moozac so i can say "i know that guy on SG!He kool and makes good moozac!" tongue

[Edited on Nov 01, 2003 7:09PM]
I am currently a victim of the most annoying circumstance in the world - boy meets girl, girl likes boy, girl lives in different (but close) town and gives boy her number - ranting for about 20 minutes about how he must call her, "You will, won't you?" etc. Boy tries to call girl but gets crap recorded message of "We cannot connect you at...
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Sweet Caz kisses? When would they NOT work? Although I dunno, I probably wouldn't want to rely on them in a medical emergency or such. Even then, much better than nowt.
Aye, this story is getting more familiar by the minute. I can totally sympathise - that's why me and my last gf broke up, basically I was pig sick of her being so bloody unreliable regarding sorting out dates, turning up for dates, calling me, being about when I called her etc. It felt like I was doing all the hard work in the relationship while she was just freeloading.
My advice - give her a bit longer as she could just be busy but really, if she drags this on too long then forget about her - do you really want to end up with someone who may be stomach-flippingly beautiful but is also a total emotional sadist?

Anyway, cheers for the comment. Agree about the new stuff being good - I've been listening to the new album a lot since Sunday night. Currently of the view that "Asteroid" and "Seeing Red" are feckin' excellent songs.

And as for the contacts, yeah, sounds like a plan. I've got a mate who's learning bass and is interested so that isn't a problem but if you've know any lead guitarist/drummer types who are interested in joining a band that's probably gonna sound like an old-skool Brit-punk/Brit-metal outfit (Wildhearts, Dogs D'Amour, Ruts, Stiff Little Fingers etc) then let me know.

Speak later mate.
And so into a more-or-less workfree three days. Time to go out to the local metal pit and thrash around until my little frame is racked with soreness but satisfaction. This is made even better by me being an ingratiating bastard who is therefore 'in' with the DJs. Obscure requests aplenty. If I can get them to play the full version of 'Short Stories With...
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Woah. Is this Organica? Helloooo!

Cherry xox
It is indeed. I would have reclaimed my old moniker but I had misplaced my previous password, hence the change. I'd like to think that my easy wit and laconic charm have made me easy to recognise, but in fact it's probably the identical profile picture and the fact that both IDs contain the word 'organic'.

I was struck for the first time last night by the full irony of me being a straight edge guy who works in a pub, providing people with alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a self-righteous asshole. At least I hope not. I was just attempting to serve someone who was completely ratarsed and it really hit me what a fool he seemed and...
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I use to drink a lot when I was younger. I don't much at all anymore. It amazes me to look at all the people around me pissed out of their minds and it makes me wonder "was I like that?" I really hope not, but I'm sure at one point or another I was. Being married to a military man is just like working at a pub/bar. We both see the worst of people in their drunk induced happy little world, and never once when their sober do they realize their full extent of jackassery. I just wish I could carry a camera with me at all times. Don't get me wrong, I do drink from time to time, but it's normally like a drink or two. I just don't get sloshed anymore.
It's really strange for me as a casual observer. I sort of see the point in going out and losing yourself a couple of nights a week or with some friends or whatever. But these are guys (mostly) who go to work, come into our pub, go home. Fuck that. It's mental.
I finally got my SG membership back, although my username of organica is lost to me forever... I know you're crying out there, mourning my loss with me. It seems membership of SG UK is also lost to me for some reason. So it goes. They quite probably haven't even noticed my absence.

~the sound of the worlds tiniest violin playing just for me~
'Ey up, good to see another fan of Killing Joke on here! If you see a bloke with very scruffy hair and a Vibrators "Troops Of Tomorrow" T-shirt on at the gig then that's probably me just so you know!
Ta for the comment. You should be able to get gigs nice and easy in Leeds as there seems to be new venues opening all the time here in the last couple of years - there's a new one called the Vine which has just opened where I'm going to see my mate's band play next Tuesday. Anyway mate, hope it goes well for ya.