I'm so excited for March! Heckler hopes to book his flight here for the third anniversary of his first visit here. The day we met I'm so effing excited.
So I kind of started school yesterday. Well, I went to the college, at least. I took my typing assessment. I was there for just over an hour, and I achieved a score of 65 words... Read More
Heckler is moving to Canada! His immigration letter came today... now all he has to do is mail in his passport and some photos, and wait for it to come back. He'll be here for Easter ♥
I'm so happy I think I might burst wif squeeeeeeee!
My girlfriend has that same problem sometimes. I have to say though you're jamie to the core. You both even have that tragic and difficult long distance relationship. I'm so happy for you.
Since my tail light was smashed by the small bus that I collided with on Monday, I had no way to get to work at night on Friday. My mom was kind enough to lend me her... Read More
It's been snowing steady all day here today, we woke up to maybe an inch, and more is falling. With Ranger next to me in the front seat, I drove my lil guy to school, instead of waiting around outside for the bus, we made it there just fine. I stopped at the hardware store for some hula hoop supplies... Read More
October is one of my favouritest months of the year! It's all so exciting! There is change everywhere ~ I think that might be the best part of Autumn. The trees look different - leaves turning yellow, orange and red. The air smells different, so crisp and clean. I see Halloween decorations going up in our... Read More
I went to Enchante's wedding this weekend with Pagz and another friend - it was amazingly awesome fun The ceremony was lovely, and there were loads of little kids for us to go "awwwwwwww" over ♥ The reception was probably the best one I've ever been to - it was really fun and upbeat, and the speeches were very touching. They even had karaoke!!!... Read More
Thnx But concidering where some of these "boo-boos" are you might want to pass on that hahaha
The gum cams were SWEET! Vinnie (the bachelor who's party lead to the paintball event) als had a helmet cam but uinfortunately it jammed Right when he was doing his bunny run too... (that's when he had to run the length of the course and back with all 11 other guys lined up and shooting at him )
Not much is going on here really. I'm kinda bored. Have loads of boxes to unpack, but nowhere to put anything until after I paint. I can't paint til I get my paint, and I can't get the paint until my mom lends me her discount card I also can't move furniture around on account of being a gimp,... Read More
I know two people that have had hip replacements and they went perfect... Hope you have a great Monday