I feel like they were just saving up the good stuff to try and give me an aneurysm all at once... India a few days ago, now Gogo. That girl is all kinds of fetishes rolled up into one concentrated package... Am I weird for finding the smeared eyeshadow so sexy?

Anyway, my sister went back to school in RI a while back, and my...
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You look like your name should be "Jeff". It's not an insult, or anything. Nor is there any reason I said that.
Erin... I can live with that.

As for my "Bad Poetry".... way back in my early days of SG, I would sometimes write purposefully bad poetry in my SG journal. I was doing it, pretty much, to make fun of people who tried to sound deep and insightful by always writing in poetry and never just outright SAYING WHAT THEY FUCKING MEANT!

Sorry... cryptic artsy people piss me off.
And just as I was starting to lose faith, there's a new India set.

God, she's hot.

And, to be honest, I kinda really like that she's a mathmatician.
*whispers* don't tell anyone but Zui is my favorite. she has a new set too. go check out how incredibly hot she is.
I find myself bored with this again. A weird side effect of having even more sets posted each day is that they've all started to blend together. I wouldn't have thought that it would happen, the differences between the various girls seem less and less every day. I guess there are only so many variations on "naked" that can be done, though.

Of course, it...
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I notice they're posting 4 sets a day now. I guess they had to start sooner or later; I get the impression there's quite a backlog of stuff. I wonder why they don't just display all four at once, though.


So I found an old CD that I've been kinda looking for. Fiona Apple's Tidal. Got it at the video game shop, actually,...
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how, um...is ironic the word? wink
Yes, the heart is so very important,
Exercise is all well and good, but not so much at the beginning... I'm all sore.

Anyway, random anecdote: they put up this new restaurant in the downtown Silver Spring area, and out front they have a decorative fire going in this sort of brick fireplace. So, obviously, I got a few friends, and we roasted marshmallows on it until they threw us out.

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that's totally uncool. they give u a fire right there, and then expect u to not use it? tisk tisk. if anything, they should encourage it. more people equals better business biggrin
I keep reading books that end with the narrator lost in his own subconscious.

And not on purpose, either. They just keep turning out that way.

Meanwhile, in the "amibition or a girlfriend" department, today I joined the gym down the street from my office and bought some workout clothes. By the power invested in me through the guilt of signing a $500 12-month contract,...
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Man, I've gotta quit this site or something. The quality of women here is spoiling me for the suburbanite wasteland that's actually around me....
tru dat, bo. tru dat.
I am just incredibly bored lately. I need some ambition or a girlfriend or something.
there is always masturbation and television... whatever
haha yesssssss, at least we can be internet boyfriend and girlfriend. or like when we need an excuse to have a boyfriend or girlfriend... ie: that ugly fat chick is hitting on you and asks if you have a girlfriend, and you say YES! her name is aaraa and she is naked on the internet
So, there have been a bunch of books I've been meaning to read, and I finally got off my ass and went out and got them today.

Now, lately I've been ragging on the local library system, but I discovered, to my pleasure, that it's not the system, but merely the most immediate branch. I found the "regional library" today, and it's actually pretty impressive....
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I don't really go to ANY of the boards, mind you. I just see things and have to ask. Then get very annoyed when the damn mortals don't give me a straight answer.
Final Fantasy 4 was absolutely the best, hands down! Especially Kain, with his Ross Perot-like attitude about being in your party!

Seriously, he did more "in and out" than some Sorority Girls I know.

I've been away for a bit, due to the many trials and tribulations of the internet. There was a power surge, which utterly destroyed my cable modem, along with (as it was later revealed) my Ethernet card. Now, my computer is old as dirt by computer standards: suffice to say it got Windows 98 pretty much hot off the presses. So, finding compatible parts...
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Thanks for the welcome. (:
I'm guessing the power surge was from the mad storm we had a while ago. That sucks. ;/ I hope your computer isn't completely gone.
u said that u had ff soundtracks i will do anything for u to send them to me i have been lookin everywhere for them biggrin