I like Karma's tattoo:

七転八起 ー しちてんはっき - "The vicissitudes of life."

Character by character, it's "Seven changes, eight awakenings." I don't know why, but I feel like that's a good summary of something.
I've finally acquired some brakes for my car. The new rotors are all shiny. I feel compelled to stop and look at them every time I go to get into the car.

Also, I guess not risking death is good too.

PS: The gym sells a product called "LeanBody Cookie Bar." Forgive me if I am skeptical.
I learned that knives were useless after I read the book, but it was the only violent object I could play with at that moment!

Thanks for the kind comment! smile
So, where have I been for the past couple weeks?

Well, sick for one, and then Connecticut for the other. I'll leave out the sick part, since it's not exactly interesting. I wasn't even quite sick enough to excape work; it was just normal time, only with a headache and nausea.

Connecticut was sort of my present to myself for my birthday (thanks to Kirby...
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lol well lets see.... air vents include air of all kinds... like heat. it was 23 degrees there at night. and defroster.. oh i dont know, when you get in the car and your wet from the snow? yeah windows fog up pretty quick style biggrin
I went to see Anne Carson read from her poetry tonight. I had heard of her before, and since A had to go to the reading anyway for class, I decided to tag along. Carson read a few classical Roman poems she'd translated (into English, and into modernity), one of her longer pieces, and some of what she called "short talks," which I would describe...
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First, thanks for the compliment on my set, I'm glad you liked it smile
Second, it's funny that you posted that particular meme, because I've LOVED that little fucking cartoon for a long time biggrin
happy birthday cutie pie!! kiss
Update time again, I suppose.

Halloween came and went. Holidays are a little bit lost on me lately, for whatever reason. Pretty much nothing to set it apart from any other weekend except for the fact that I was dressed like Batman which frankly has been known to happen anyway. L seems to absolutely love an excuse to something "seasonal," and to each their own,...
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Home for the past weekend; I saw Serenity with my dad. It's definitely by Joss Whedon, if nothing else. The guy has some kind of obsession with underaged girls who have superpowers. The cast is awfully good looking, though. I especially recommend the actress who plays Kaylee; she's got that good ol' down-home sort of look to her. Also, the character uses the phrase "havin'...
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We did a corn maze on Sunday. It was NASCAR themed, and I think that's pretty awesome, in some kind of ironic way. The whole corn maze thing is pretty sweet, but like all of my little diversions, it went horribly awry.

Before I get into the maze itself, I'd like to point out that they also had a pumpkin cannon. Yes. Pumpkin Cannon....
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So I have a random new internet friend, I guess. I always wonder what someone was looking for that led them here.

Went into town yesterday, picked up a few things. Got a copy of Said's Orientalism so I can have nerdy discussions with R when her class comes to that part, and found a used copy of the Gorillaz CD. I also grabbed a...
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whoa, that was long. surreal
Heheh I doubt I'd get that far before giggling about how they got a stupid tattoo, regardless of meaning. Characters in a langauge you don't understand do not a good tattoo make, har har.
"So, how was court?"

"OMG court kicks ass! They've got this room, and all the walls are plated with these wooden panels , and all the panels look the same, but some of them are secret doors and you can't even tell which until someone comes out of them! It was pretty sweet."

"... and they decided?"

"What? Oh, right. Uh, probation."

This is how...
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yaaaaay court. tongue
So I have a traffic court appearance this Tuseday.

The worst thing about getting a ticket on a long trip is that you have to make that same long trip if you want to contest it later... (At least I'll have a chance to stop in and visit J, though.) So, out I go to Western Maryland to try and wheedle my way out of...
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nothing all that cryptic...the fbi nonesnese = outside, website bickering/issues/exodus = inside