Back from my weekend trips... settled down for a while. I brought back a few photos, too, which I'm now finally bothering to upload.

Texas was fun. although the weather was just pure spite. Cristy (whom you can see in my pics folder) gushed for weeks that I'd just love the 80 degree weather: an oasis of warmth in my mid-Atlantic winter. It was 80...
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wow, youre part of my little fan club? i didnt even know i had one!! xo
PRO: I made a snow angel!

CON: Now, my ass is soaking wet.
The Longest, Most Rambling Journal Entry Ever

I am continuing to add pictures. Or take pictures, at least. I still need to install the camera's software on my machine, so I haven't transferred any of them. Likewise, I have been a lazy bitch about scanning at work, which is at least partly because I am a lazy bitch about stuff in general, but also because...
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im a bartender/cocktail watiress/ tournament runner

lol tournament runner, meaning i run an 8 ball tournament. surreal
Two unrelated things.

1) I have decided to add some pictures. I've tried to gather up decent shots of people who are mentioned now and again. A lot of said shots are physical photographs, however, and must be digitized before they can go up. I also have a bunch of candid shots that were taken by L and give to me, but they're in the...
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It's a pretty regular occurance in my life that if I have a busy period of time on my schedule, nothing will actually happen. Chalk another one up for that. I had about four different engagements that were supposed to be going on over the past two weeks, and only one ended up happening. Of course, it was the least exciting of them, dinner for...
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The best laid plans.... you know the rest.

How come things work out better the less I actively think about how they work out? It continually reinforces the idea that my conscious mind is an unnecessary, and possibly detrimental, addition to my apparently-brilliant subconscious.
Hmmm... I prefer a gym that's close to home rather than work.. usually by the end of work I want to relax, eat dinner, etc.. and I'll usually choose that over the gym. But, if the gym happens to be close to home, I can do that and THEN go work out smile I have a gym 5 mins away and another 15 mins away... I like the farther one better but if I get lazy I'll swicth so I've no escuse tongue

I like the idea of keeping a record/plan... especially for weights. I try to leave it open for cardio (if I feel very tired, I stop rather than push myself to do more than I'm up for). I should try that! biggrin

About plans... the thinking about it makes you expect more, s what I find... f you just go with the flo the little surprises are all that more rewarding. smile
I actually didn't like many of the Christmas-themed sets, but that's ok -- for my Chrismas present some of my absolute favorites are putting up new sets. Quinne, Maxi, and I'm a big fan of Malloreigh, although I kinda want to slap her parents for spelling it that way (hopefully it's just because the normal spelling was already taken on the site). As for Manko,...
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my credit card is maxed out
I went ice skating this past weekend. It had literally been a decade or so since the last time I'd been, and I think that the severe bruises on my kness suggest that that may have been too long. I really enjoyed it though--once I passed the on-my-face stage, I was gliding around pretty decently. Still only in straight lines, but it's fun.

Note to...
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Ah, the holidays. That lovely time of year, when everyone I know starts bitching about how I don't want anything and I'm just so hard to shop for. I think that's what always gets me the most about the rampant materialism of the season. (Yeah, this is another rant about the true meaning of whatever. I'll keep it short). It's not so much the sudden...
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