So, who else watched the SG guest appearance on CSI?

That was one of the most pitiful things I have ever seen. Missy, you are a wonderful photographer, and probably an all-around amazing woman. However, your acting could not be more wooden if you were carved out of a fucking log. And that speech about "we are the Betty Pages of this generation?" That you...
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i liked the one that stands too, but i think my family wants to scrap it. *sigh*
First off, I want to note how vindicated I feel on the issue of tagging sets. I posted on the "new site version" threads that giving the users a chance to contribute is never a good idea, since most of us are either perverts or jerks (myself excluded, natch wink) Go check out Regan's latest. Unless she's cleaned it up, it's tagged with, among other...
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Well, Aaraa is asking to be archived. I guess that means Kirby is now my only friend (well, on the site, anyway). Don't leave me, Kirby! I'll be so lonely without you! *sob* whatever

Anyway, I haven't been updating lately, but that's because not much is going on. If you hadn't noticed, my life goes in cycles like that. Aaraa went away to college, so...
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nah, its not counter-productive. in fact, if she hadnt died in the accident, i'd say she deserves to die. i guess we get whats coming to us.

and dont worry. i wont leave you!!! smile

take care you!
So I spent the evening with Aaraa at College Perk tonight. She played me an acoustic version of "Hit Me Baby One More Time."

...and that's why she's basically my new favorite person ever. wink
I just thought putting the ALF on my shirt would be a cute touch for the vegans. smile That was only part of my message.
Plenty of stuff going on lately, but of course that means I'm short on time to describe it all. This weekend, maybe.

In the mean time, here's a random fact:

I got a Social Security statement in the mail recently, to inform me of all the benefits I've earned now that I'm a contributing member of society. I'm not, of course, but in keeping with...
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wow, $255. . . thats a hefty sum.

my tattoo wasnt inspired by escher, but he's been one of my all time favorite artists forever, so maybe it was subconcious smile i wouldnt be suprised. a few people have pointed out the escher thing though, and it makes me happy because escher rocks my socks.

love, k.s.
hey, thanks for your comment on my set smile xx
I ended up skipping out on going to Ocean City with Jay. She changed the date, so I ended up not being able to go anyway, but I was glad for not needing an excuse. I don't really feel like seeing her lately. I'm not mad at her or anything, the idea of spending time with her just doesn't seem compelling anymore. It's funny, I...
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And so begins another of the occasional periods of being really busy...

This weekend, I have a dinner up in northern MD with some friends.

Next weekend, I'm off to Long Island to meet Dwen, and take her to a concert. On that Sunday, I'll be stopping by NYC to visit Esther briefly, buy her a housewarming gift, and see whatever vaguely offensive souvenir she...
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why thank you! i actually hate my nose so that made me feel better wink
I have a swollen eye from where I had a girl thrown at me and her tailbone nailed me in the face.

I suppose that makes it a good party?
Nice how they pull that, huh... you merely have to look at code and suddenly you're the expert who must fix anything related to it that someone else happens to break tongue

Wait a minute. Someone threw a girl at you? I feel I've been missing out on this new party thing!
hhahaha yes, you are talking about nimbin. i went there a few days ago. needless to say, it freaking ruuuuulessssss. its really small and everyone there is a hippy pretty much; the first thing that happened when we stepped off the bus was that a woman came us to us and said "marijuana ladies?" and everyone tries to sell you weed. i ate 3 special cookies and was out of my freaking mind. ridiculous. nimbin rules.
Haven't updated in a while. Partly because nothing really interesting has happened lately, and partly because I don't really come here all that often anymore. I feel like there are too many girls these days--it's getting hard to tell them apart. When I look at the day's sets, more and more often I think "Oh, just like that other one that _______ did." Plus, I...
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have a happy fourth of july!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaay for illegal fireworks!! dont blow anything up.

love, kirby.
If feelings fails you, vain will be your course,
And idle what you plan unless your art
Springs from the soul with elemental force
To hold its sway in every listening heart.
Well, well, keep at it: ply the shears and paste,
Concoct from feasts of other men your hashes,
And should the thing be wanting fire or taste,
Blow into flame your little heap...
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