Hey, I'm back. All I needed was enough time to miss the internet more than I hate Comcast. Of course, that's a lot, which is why I lived here for upwards 4 months before breaking down and ordering a cable connection. And they, of course, are living up to their reputation. The tech came 7 hours late. Seven. That's an entire work day. It's...
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Hey, you seem really cool. I'd like to know you. I like your "into" and "makes me happy" answers.

I go to Goucher. I forget the other questions. I like it. Being from Pennsylvania, Maryland is actually a lot different. In a good way.
Okay, well, my AIM is fragility222, but I don't know how 23 year olds feel about AIM, so my email is aramei@hotmail.com. smile
Had a look over the Groups section today. Joined the public groups that caught my eye; I guess I'll see which have threads that actually induce me to participate, and quit the rest of them (I get the feeling that just browsing is deemed rude around here.)

Anyone from SGPhilly wanna introduce him-/herself? Looking for an in there...
Dude, Ernest is indeed money. Welcome to the site. Not from Philly, but just one stop up the Acela, pleased to meet you.
Yeah, well it could be less of a babe-magnet than I imagine. They weren't just after my Lacan and Zizek all those years? Shit man, I could have been reading Mickey Spillane,
So, I guess this is my substitute for a social life in town here. (At least there are girls willing to get naked.)

As virtually everyone knows, you never appreciate most things until they're gone. Cities are the same. Or at least city life in general. I lived in Boston for four years bitching about the T. Now I live in Bensalem, which has no...
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You know, after all the trouble I went to to get a LiveJournal account, you'd think I'd actually use it. Well, no, not so much. Maybe it's because no one I know is going to be reading this web site. Except my one friend, to whom I've been pitching it in an attempt to get her to model. (It's probably not going to work, though;...
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