Time Travellers' Convention!!

I picked this out of the away message of a college acquaintance of mine: "Time travellers' convention: awesome or awkward?" That's what I'm wondering. The notion is so delightfully absurd that I kinda wanna go (8 hours' drive to Boston be damned!), and at least one of my friends agrees with me.

In summary, there is a growing change that I will...
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Well... the New Orleans trip is finalized. We are (sigh) driving down the last week of May. Yes, for those of you in the audience keeping count, that's 18 hours each way, and a total of something like 2300 miles. I'm glad we'll be taking R's car. But anyway, for everyone who would ever like to go to New Orleans, the Queen and...
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I rank first?! What are you comparing me to?
Being the Lightning of God ROCKS.
bored, bored, bored. However, it is the last week of the month, which means that soon it will no longer be a huge waste of money for me to sign up for Aikido. (The issue being that the monthly fee is not prorated.) I think it'll do me some good to get some exercise. Too much energy for a job that involves sitting in a...
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Mmm.... sisters who cook for me. If they're red-headed twins, that's part of my fantasies, right there.
Do you find my soapy confusion sexy? How odd!
You know, for the most part I'm not disturbed by references to the morbid or macabre, but I've got to say, Kokeshi just kinda weirds me out.

I dunno. I kinda want to ask her why she named herself after strangling children, or whether she knows, but then again, if she doesn't know the unfortunate history behind the cute little dolls, I also don't want...
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I do not reveal my secret sources! I have connections!!!!

... I'm secretly the mastermind behind the Illuminati.

Comments from people on your Friends list are lilac-y, comments from SuicideGirls are in pink, and comments posted from yourself are in blue.

Hope that helped!
It's that calm before the storm time again. Everything happens to me in spurts of a couple weeks, every month and a half or so.

The latter half of may May will contain:

J's graduation, which I have promised to attend, and her moving into the house they bought, which I have promised to aid.
A visit from E, after her graduation up in Boston....
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I tend to spend long periods of time just.... not talking to people. I'm such a hermit.

Not unlike Herman's Hermits.

Something tells me I'm into something good.

Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter.

Okay, I'm done.
Do remember, darling... my stats are rated in White Wolf terms, where 5 is the highest possible rating!

Maybe I am insane. Maybe I am a brilliant riddler.

Maybe, just maybe... the line between the two doesn't exist.

Or maybe the line is more of a series of concentric circles.

Or maybe I should get some pudding.
So, spent the weekend in Ithaca. I've decided I seriously want to move up there. What have I got to lose? Right now, I live in a horrible sprawl of a suburb, and work a mediocre job. I have friends, and I like them and enjoy spending time with them, but... I'm still lonely in a way that I'm not when I'm with R. I...
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I've been playing Katamari Damacy. My advice to anyone who reads this and also does any kind of psychadelic drugs is to do that, and turn on this game. You will be freaked out beyond all belief. I get a healthy dose of "What. The. Fuck." and I'm totally sober. Just envision a giant man in a black cape flying through the sky dropping...
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Everyone should go love Toothpaste For Dinner I am thrilled to find any comic that references Shroedinger's Cat. (see the drawing for a couple days ago. Seriously. See it. Now.)
The weekend turned out pretty well. I slogged through ridiculous traffic to get out to Frostburg to see J on friday. I'm pretty sure that if terrorists had some kind of plot to annihilate DC, an excellent remedy would be for me to describe its effects on the surrounding countryside, after which they would shake their heads sadly, mutter something about "reaping the rewards of...
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So, this has been the most unproductive week ever for me at work. And it corresponds precisely with the week I got internet access. Curious coincidence, ehhh?

No, not at all. That's so obvious it doesn't even qualify as a joke. I'm just way to easy to distract. Hell, why go to sleep at a reasonable hour when I can browse the masses of...
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