Ok... Actually, I think I've told enough people the New Orleans story to not feel any desire to record it here too, so I think I'll forgo adding that. Paid vacation is a joy, though. To come back from a week with the woman I love and find waiting a paycheck for that time is pretty damned good for morale.

Helped L and A move...
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Ooh! Paid vacation! That must rock biggrin
Back from the trip, but too tired to record it now. Soon.
In all probability, I am now in New Orleans for the week.

...this is so much better than work.
So, it seems that my last day of work before I head off to New Orleans will be spent demonstrating our program to... the US Army bio-warfare center? (Fort Dietrich, if you'd care to Google it)

I am uncertain of what I think of this.

I am not uncertain that driving all the way to Frederick in rush hour traffic will suck it hardcore. My...
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i saw the post you made in the thread about corporate culture being indie etc. ANYWAY, you mentioned foucault. i dunno if you're IN to foucault, but if you're into that kind of critique, i'd actually suggest herbert marcuse. he actually came up with the idea of capitalist institutions incorporating its own critiques as part of the system. smile
Rush hour traffic here sucks. Sucks really badly. And in a bad way. wink Maybe you could leave earlier? And if that's not possible... my sympathy's with you tongue
Terrific weekend... best in a while.

The Dresden Dolls concert was really good. Really good. Honestly, I have sensitive ears, and generally loathe loud noises, which is why I typically don't go to concerts (yeah, I know, insert Fark.com standard picture of crying baby here). Truthfully, my ears kinda hurt by about midway through. Still too good of a performance to leave and miss. Whining...
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Hey, now! That's dictator bitch WHORE to you, buddy!
My sister was up this past weekend; it was nice to spend some time with her. I don't really see her much anymore, since I've moved out, and she's at college the majority of the time anyway. It was nice to spend some old-school (in the most literal sense of the phrase) time with her. We had some nostalgia time playing Resident Evil, saw Unleashed...
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Yup, it's for Reiki/Universal Energy.


Good one!
Hey, what do you know. That package arrived. Slightly charred, a little damp, and it smells like burning chemicals, (I sure the fuck am not going to try to eat the candy she sent) but more or less intact!
Because vowels are for suckers."

So, E has been saying she'd mail me a package for about 6 months now. It was originally supposed to be for my birthday (and yes, the date listed to the left is correct).

Well, she finally got around to mailing it. It arrived yesterday, and because I wasn't here to receive it, they took it over to the leasing office building and left it...
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Not sure if I'll use one for the application or not. Either way, you'll be seeing them.
So, no Time Travellers' conference after all. Instead I'll be going home for Mother's Day.

Sweet, but insufferably dull...

Your word of the week, inspired by baraqiel:

Bonus points if you can decrypt it, but really, even more bonus points if you can pronounce it. Hint: it's a "classic cipher," but nothing so simple as substitution. Still, with a little bit of guess...
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Three and half more weeks before I can get out of here for a while.

In the mean time, my sister will be down for a visit when she finishes the school year. This will actually be the first time she's been down here since I moved in. I guess I should probably buy some food. That's the thing about being a typical bachelor: every...
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What's ROT13? I'm bad with acronyms.
Oooh... the ROT13 post was a clue about an EARLIER "Stupid Tip of the Day".

Pay attention, kids! There are quizzes!