Id like to extend you an emphatic italicized and embiggened (its a perfectly cromulent word) thank you, as I hope you all are doing well, and am guessing you probably havent heard those words enough recently. Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for many, as in years past it has been for me on more than one occasion. However, for me, this one is pretty smooth sailing
Ive been keeping myself busy of late, part of which I have to give credit to how un-autumn-like it has been around here recently. Not that there isnt grave misconception about the weather in Denver in the first place allow me to explain:
Often times, as it tends to get reported on slow news days, or shown via various sporting events, Snow will appear here in October (every year) and as late as April or May. The thing is, once it snows, its gone in a handful of sunny days, unlike the harsh gray Midwest fall / winter that leaves dreary snow banks on the side of the road.
Denver, CO 35...66 F Partly Cloudy
New York City, NY 28...36 F Light Snow
San Francisco, CA 49...68 F Fair
Seattle, WA 38...48 F Fog
Detroit, MI 26...37 F Cloudy
San Diego, CA 55...72 F Mostly Cloudy
Portland, OR 36...51 F Fair
Yeah buddy!
Plus, that 35 you see, isnt as close to 32 as youd think see the humidity doesnt fucker it up, no wind chill, so 35 and your all set with a nice hoodie. Or a vest. Thats right, we can get a way with jackets with no sleeves!
So, yeah, been keeping busy I say, and doing it while accentuating frugality. Working, working out, goin through a lot of music (new net label stuff, my waxes, locally produced, etc.), making progress on my sleeve, and then some.
Ive also been here for about a year, and Id also like to send a thank you out to what I think are the ten best sets (of girls that are still active) over the aforementioned year that have received less than 225 comments. Please, show these wonderful ladies some love :: In the order the sets appeared on SG:
I'm am soooooo jealous of the weather there. Fucker and you just had to post Detroit's weather to point it out
London is soooo hot, I knew this but forgot somehow. I'm going to add her to my favs now and let her know you reminded me.
Happy eat a lot day and blow your workout!