My son changed his name to Insta.

...I can't say I blame him...

last name Matic, I would assume?
"This week dragged past me so slowly...

...The days fell on their knees

Maybe I'll take something to help me.

Hope someone takes after M____."

...But really. This week has left me with the feeling that I should have been a movie star. Or in a cover band. Or the Powerball winner.

..anything but the one taking it.

I suppose it puts things in perspective....
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I thought about caring...vaguely.
Well. hullo, then, doll!
about what? 9-11?

My patriotic celebration involved hanging out on the East River, seeing that spotlight they shine where the towers where and thinking "Oh, well now I can get to Union Square without following street signs". Then I continued to drink in a park after hours.