Hells yeah! It's going to have to wait a little bit though. I work Monday and Tuesday and then am off to Florida for the rest of the week for my sister's wedding. Hopefully the following week we can rock the fuck out. It seems to me that you're into spacey stuff and acoustic stuff and metal and what-have-you, which is kinda what I'm going for. I don't want to settle for any one sound but to find a way to blend several.
It was a weird time at the Pink last. Just a weird crowd and I wasn't feeling it too much.
But, I did get to hang out with some lovelies that I had not seen in a while. Amory and BlaueMinxAugen came out last night from T-Town and rocked our shit crazy.
Of course the wonderful Esther was in crazy full effect with Sandy last... Read More
Had a wonderful time on Sunday. Got to hang out with the radiatingly beautiful Daje and the amorously gorgeous and delectably cute Presley. They are wonderfully nice ladies and even more beautiful in person. Of course it was a freaking goodtime because of the roguish DapperGatsby making the scene with that patented ZIP PoW!! that he is known for.
In a little while from now,
If I'm not feeling any less sour.
I promised myself, to treat myself,
And visit a nearby tower ..........
And climbing to the top,
Would throw myself off,
In an effort to, make clear to whoever,
What it's like when you're shattered .......
Left standing in a lurch,
In a church with people saying... Read More
D00d, the party's at the Pink that is Hot on friday. The whole family is going to be there and we are going to rock that place till it closes and I have to be carried out!!
Well, the crush has just about ended. She's a cute girl from work and is totally cool but we have nothing in common. Except our lips. We both have awesome lips.
Hung out with some friends tonight that I don't see too often. It's a good thing though. Whenever we hang out they just end up creating drama and I hate drama.
So of course the dear pink ladies showed up around 3:20!!
Just enough to cause a stir, a dance or two..
we spent the rest of the night talking about quantum physics, determinism, fashion, and chiuahuas!!
I loevs ya!
They are def. "working" tonite, and prolly tom...
meet ya there?!?!
call me!
I gotta go!
A friend came in from the LBC so we caught up on our music that we've been writing for the past seven years. We also did three new t-shirt designs and even put two of them to a screen. I need to be that productive on my own.
It's happened again. Le sigh...
I'm such a fucking bitch. Really, I am.... Read More