Just a short and sweet entry today:

Great day today...vibing better with the G/F and business was sensational!

Off out with the guys tonight for a few beers and cigars.

Have a good weekend one and all,


Thanks for the add xxx
Well day 2...

...and what a day it was!

(A little bit of back story - My G/F and I own and run a business together and we take alternate days off during the non-peak seasons. I had Tuesday off and had scheduled today off.)

I didn't get the day off as planned, instead my G/F asked for it off instead and I stupidly agreed....
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Well lets kick this off with a truth....

This is the first ever blog I have written!

So I please ask that you bare with me while I adjust and learn the format, etc...

Today was a normal day...got up, worked and got my hair cut. Boring I know....

But it wasn't till this evening that my G/F introduced me to a band called The...
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That would be very cool getting you mum a tattoo