There was a time a few years ago when, for reasons I cannot fully comprehend still, I seemed to get very lucky in love. It felt like for a few years that if I fell for a girl somehow she also fell for me. Most of those relationships lasted a few months each, but they were all still very special to me and helped build...
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I have also struggled in dating because of my looks. Once someone gets to know me, that seems to crack the ice. It’s getting to the point of getting to know someone that I have struggles in.
Spero che con questo nuovo cambiamento tu possa essere sicuro di te stesso e felice ❤️

Sometimes I look back on the people I fell in love with that never fell in love with me and I'm grateful. I realize that it was destined to turn to shit. Or that they weren't the person I put on the pedestal. It doesn't make it hurt any less because by the time I finally come to that conclusion I've already suffered the heartbreak,...
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I was never the guy who wanted to go out with the prettiest girl in the room. Maybe that was because I was never the cutest guy in the room and I was well aware of that. But what I did look for was the most sincere person because that's what I had to offer in return.

Is that to say you are not beautiful?
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For the last 6 months or so I've been slowly flirting with a customer that comes into where I work. It's been going at this pace mainly because she comes in once a week and I'm not always there on the days that she visits. On average I see her once every few weeks.

Over the last two weeks we crossed the chatting threshold into
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I think if you go into it knowing you're gonna get hurt and accepting that, it'll help you keep your eyes open while still being able to immerse yourself in the relationship.  Knowing what's coming may shield you from the severity of the blow, making it easier to overcome, but I'd definitely say the ride is always worth taking and better than the eternal what if's.  Good luck to you.
Oh lol, i see now how long ago this post was.  Well, hopefully all went well.

Or click the spoiler

Before I moved to Buenos Aires I used to be in touch pretty regularly with quite a few people here that I had met through SG. It wasn't always easy to communicate with my poor Spanish skills and sometimes their lack of English, but we made do.

One person in particular was a former model. She and I wrote back and...
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Before I moved to Buenos Aires I used to be in touch pretty regularly with quite a few people here that I had met through SG. It wasn't always easy to communicate with my poor Spanish skills and sometimes their lack of English, but we made do.

One person in particular was a former model. She and I wrote back and forth regarding music and...
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I'm not sure what changed since my last blog a few weeks ago. Maybe just time passing, but I've let go of the anger that was welling up. There was no explosion. No outbursts. Just had a run of good luck that changed my attitude.

Truthfully I'm not easily annoyed. It takes a lot to upset me. Mainly a series of things in a row,...
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There's a level of anger inside me that is just below the surface and is dying to come out. It wasn't always this way. Four years ago when I moved to Buenos Aires I was the happiest I have ever been in my life. I was aware at that moment that it would last forever, but I didn't expect to go so far in the...
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I feel like vomiting. I'm falling in love for the first time in three years. I've forgotten what this felt like and it's not exactly pleasant. I still have no idea how she feels about me.


It sure would be nice if there was some activity on this site even remotely close to how it used to be.

i miss the old days and old ways on the site too