It is an old joke first articulated by Groucho Marx: " I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member."
Wow. The second last day of my far too short vaction and it is raining again.
A member of what club?!
It is an old joke first articulated by Groucho Marx: " I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member."
Even more rain today, usually I enjoy the rain. In fact, most of my wardrobe is geared towards not getting wet.
However, this is just getting silly.
I am glad you liked the story. I made it up myself one day I was bored. And after that I was like you know what... I need to make a set to go with this story...so bada bing... bada boom there it is. Thanks for your comment. I appricaite it!
Rainy day in Moose Jaw, strange as usually June is sunny, though honestly, it would be good to get laid this year.
Never knew where Moose Jaw was before. Interesting what one can learn from checking others blogs. Hope you have sun there soon. Being from Seattle, I never expect sun. wink
Not all of us are blessed by tragedy

Most of us are just real enough to have
only known shallow pain

And we stroll through the world trying to stumble

Picking at cuts that are healed before we truly

If we are lucky our lives will sometimes be darkly illuminated
by gray lightning that snickers across the sky

Leaving pale shadows and tinny reverberations...
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I have been ill. Not the flu but a bad, bad cold. It takes all my strength to type this.
Thanks for the comment on my new set in MR, "Office Pet" Its was sweet of you <3!
Choices don't make life complicated. Lack of choices is the labrynth without egress.
haha I will remember that. thank you.
Lovely, snowy Sunday morning, 15 below C, with a little wind, should I shovel the walks, should I go and buy pet food, should I drink coffee and look at pictures of naked girls.....? Easy to answer, really.
that life so complicated tongue
Friday, Oct. 30,2009
Sitting here, with my parrots on my shoulder, what should I be doing?
Where should I be doing it?
sounds like you should be looking for treasure and drinking some rum ARRR!!!
A nice, warm, too humid Sunday and I have been awakened by the sound of the soap box derby happening in front of the house. They look like they are going very fast when you see them on TV but in fact they are barely going 12 kilometres an hour if that. For the most part, the kids sort of look like they are having...
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love the gator bait comment. If you were a master at baiting gator, what kind of a "baiter" would that make you? A master... Buh dump bump chssssh!!!!