Wasted. That is me right now. WASTED. I was out in the sun all day and then I started drinking. Whoa.
Drunk crushes are fun. jamie I am looking at you chica. I want to play your bongos all night long. But I know that you are in love with lefty.
Canadian club wiskey is the devil. should be avoided at all cost except when...
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Drunk crushes are fun. jamie I am looking at you chica. I want to play your bongos all night long. But I know that you are in love with lefty.
Canadian club wiskey is the devil. should be avoided at all cost except when...
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That was me last night, after drinking a record #/beers.
Normally I'm a happy or chill drunk. Due to personal stresses as of late, that was not the case.
Ah well. Live and learn, huh?
How's you?
Normally I'm a happy or chill drunk. Due to personal stresses as of late, that was not the case.

Ah well. Live and learn, huh?
How's you?

Why are all of the underage boys in these movies getting so hot all of a sudden? IT IS WRONG.
ok, i wish I could keep that pic up forever, but I can't. So , NEW POST!
I am in my hometown for the holiday weekend. Board as shit. There is nothing to do here. I am going to go to my dad's grave site later... I don't know what I am going to do there. It is not as if he is really there....
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I am in my hometown for the holiday weekend. Board as shit. There is nothing to do here. I am going to go to my dad's grave site later... I don't know what I am going to do there. It is not as if he is really there....
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My condolences.
Hope you're doing well.
Hope you're doing well.

I KNOW your a hottie!

Uh, DUH?
Sorry I didn't call you while I was in WI. It is really weird for me being back in A-town, I had a hard time with it. I'm sure you know how it is. Apart from that, being in my mum's house bums me out these days. Ugh.

Sorry I didn't call you while I was in WI. It is really weird for me being back in A-town, I had a hard time with it. I'm sure you know how it is. Apart from that, being in my mum's house bums me out these days. Ugh.
It is cold and I have a bruised lip.
i am so wasted... taquila... go to hell you dirty whore. happy cinco de deiz de tres
i am so wasted... taquila... go to hell you dirty whore. happy cinco de deiz de tres
*big, warm hug*

My friend Dusty was killed in a car accident early sunday morning. He was 23. Drinking, no seatbelt and a curve.
Instead of going to his graduation party I am now having to go to his funeral.
Instead of going to his graduation party I am now having to go to his funeral.
Oh no.
My sincerest condolences to you, as well as his friends and family.

My sincerest condolences to you, as well as his friends and family.
That's fucked. I'm sorry.
I will see you next week for sure. Thinking going to Cap City while I'm down there - if I do, do you want to come with?
I will see you next week for sure. Thinking going to Cap City while I'm down there - if I do, do you want to come with?
I had the weirdest dream last night. I dremnt that the lower half of my body was in a box and I was holding it. I was looking at it and thinking "what wouild it be like to go down on myself?" So, I picked up the box, got up and went to my room. That was confusing because i was holding a box with...
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I'm not sure. Even though I really like looking at other girls I'm still a little bit afraid of vaginas.
So, when are you mailing your box to me?

So, had a pretty interesting weekend. My sister's neighbor's deck caught fire in the middle of the night. She thought that was pretty cool. I hung out with some old friends and tried really hard to get a cute dog to like me, but she is afraid of me.
My best friend Erin is coming over tonight so I can kick his ass in super...
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My best friend Erin is coming over tonight so I can kick his ass in super...
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Oh, you think you're a Super Smash Bros. pro, huh?

Your lungs? Sorry, I'm not that kinky.

I want curly hair like that.
I am ghetto today. i got some braids, some syntetic hair and acrylics on. I told my friend Erin that i liked him. this made him realize he wanted his ex back. fuck this shit.

Well, guess I'm on my way to WI to get some prime ghetto boo-tay while the getting's good, huh?

would you fucking stop already?!?!?!? jesus fuck i just got used.... grrr dumb
Right After I posted this, the site crashed. Sorry guys.

Right After I posted this, the site crashed. Sorry guys.
Yes. Yes it is.
ISNT IT CONFUSING. I was going to say you haven't been around long enough to appreciate how much the site can change but WAIT YOU TOTALLY HAVE. Because the site KEEPS CHANGING.
I don't mind the cosmetic changes but little stuff like the journals having to be "expanded" and all of that really drives me up a wall. ACK!
I don't mind the cosmetic changes but little stuff like the journals having to be "expanded" and all of that really drives me up a wall. ACK!
How's you?