I am mad. It isn't a good reason or a just reason but I know I am mad.
Brevity is indeed the soul of wit.
Hope you're doin' OK.

Hope you're doin' OK.

I just pissed off my roommate.
My new favorite food is egg foo yung.
All it is is a chinese omlette with tons of veggies and meat of your choice and it is covered with a sort of beef flavored sauce or if it is a really cheep place, brown gravy.
and mostly every chinese place is really cheep.
so, I lika the egg foo yung.
All it is is a chinese omlette with tons of veggies and meat of your choice and it is covered with a sort of beef flavored sauce or if it is a really cheep place, brown gravy.
and mostly every chinese place is really cheep.
so, I lika the egg foo yung.
*insert "sexual double entendre using Chinese food names" crack here*
I had a pretty eventful Sunday. Brunch at a bar with no heat, Packer game at different bar with no heat but damn good bloody Marys. Then my drunk friend Billy took me to the movies. We saw the Golden Compass. meh. He fell asleep. Back to the bar with no heat for my friends going away party. Then drunk billy took me and my...
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You lush, you.

The one dressed up as Luna is totally priceless.
I have crushes on people I shouldn't have crushes on. I feel like a hussie
so you get to be my new best friend
because you said hussie. i thought
that i only said that :]
oh and dont worry, i have lots of crushes.
but i know thats all they are :[
so you get to be my new best friend
because you said hussie. i thought
that i only said that :]
oh and dont worry, i have lots of crushes.
but i know thats all they are :[
Me? Me? Me?
FUCKING snow. lame. I want to move someplace with warmth.
I concur wholeheartedly.
There was a fight at the bar I work at tonight. I wasn't working but I was drinking. Fucking Mike Joz, was bartending and he fucking left me hanging to break up a fight. He stood behind a door calling the cops while I fucking was breaking up 2 drunks. He could have set down the fucking phone. I dunno whatever. Thank god My friend...
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Sorry, just professing my love of hooters. 
As for cocks, I suppose I could deposit one, but you have to say "please."
Or "give it to me now," whichever you prefer.

As for cocks, I suppose I could deposit one, but you have to say "please."
Or "give it to me now," whichever you prefer.

HOLY hell are you okay?
My grandmother is insane.
Mean and insane.
but she makes killer stuffing.
Mean and insane.
but she makes killer stuffing.
I'll give you stuffing! In the can!

So you had a good Thanksgiving?
Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us ugly schlubs.

I guess I am really loud in the sack. I knew I made some noises but I didn't think It was loud enough to piss anyone off. no one has ever told me how loud I get. WHOOPS! I am not sorry or anything. Just a quick note.
One time when you were dating that one dirty hippie what was his name again I HAVE FORGOTTEN ALL OF THEIR NAMES THOSE GUYS WE HUNG OUT WITH. Anyway. One time. You had your stereo on with the speakers turned toward the little fan between our rooms. But I could still hear you. Because the speakers were on your side of the room. It was like a porno for the blind. AWESOME. HA.

I Just took a super long hot shower. I have had a lot on my mind. A friend of mine decided that he wants to have a baby, with me... He ain't gay and he doesn't want a romantic relationship. He wants a child and he wants one with me. I understand why, any child lucky enough to get my DNA is going to be...
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Man, you know some crazy-ass people.
I wouldn't mind making a baby w/you...except for the baby-making part.
Wait for it...
I wouldn't mind making a baby w/you...except for the baby-making part.

Wait for it...