Daaayummmm! I do realize that I had a set come out last month, and I am aware that I still owe everyone some big huge love, but please bare with me. Life is going at an incredibly pleasurable, and joyful pace right now, and I'm so busy riding the waves of change that come with spring's awakening. I do want to say Thank you for...
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Konnichi Wa! Hello- ha! I laughed a little at the end because I felt like it... But, really There was a question posed to me, today, that I'd like to attempt to answer:
"What was the best day of your life?"
"Well", I say, with hesitation; I don't think I have a 'best day'... not a singular day that I can decide upon, but that
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Hey Gals and Guys! I hope everyone is well! Thanks for the sweet sweet love, I'm getting! I'm using this opportunity that I have to say, "THANK YOU!", and also to make a confession...
I have had a two light psychedelic experiences in one week. The first was my first attempt, an introduction, if you will to acid. I am all for deconstructing my thoughts,
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Its OUT! Luffy- Your True Nature
It feels so fucking amazing to be back in Member review, but it feels even better to be back on the site! Thanks for all the love, kind words, support, and encouragement! This, here is my 3rd set, and I'm super thrilled with the way it turned out!
There are so many amazing people that I want to personally
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This is what I wanted to share on Tuesday:
It seems as though my mind has gone through a 180 degree flip, recently. As of 2012, when I felt the need to look more into what I am doing on this planet at this time, I started to discover, and rediscover the world beyond the physical. I began to open up to the intangible forces
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Now, both sets are coming out sooner... 'Your True Nature' is coming out tomorrow [February 6]! And 'One' is coming out on March 31st. Sweet! Thanks Staff! :D
First thing is first:
Welcome to a new month in a new year! It's February! Do you know what that means? I have my set "Your True Nature" going up into Member Review on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Bob Marley's birthday is also on February 8; Sweet! I shot this with Pumpkin in one of my favourite places in Toronto, while she was down here...
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Hey Gang! How are you? I miss everyone on this damn site!
I've been dancing since the beginning of the month, and I don't anticipate that I will stop until after the new year!
Its finally all snowy in my city, and a lot of people are running around, getting their Christmas shopping done... Not me, though. I'm not Scrooge, but I think the holidays...
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