So, this week has been awful. I mean in all senses. Everything just went wrong. I got one mot set refused, the second, which made me very sad, 'cause it was very, very good.I knew I wouldn't be able to meet a friend of mine that a like a lot while he is in town, 'cause he'll be too busy. Also I knew...
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Mas fala com a Andra!!!!!! Ela tima!!!!!
My birthday party was funny, even thought a few people went. But I had a lot of fun with the folks that were there!!
And in my birthday, I received over one hundred happy birthday wishes, trough here and orkut, and I got really reallt...
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I have lots of news. Let's start for the worst ones: in the wednesday of ashes, how we call the last day of carnaval around here, I had a fight with my father, and he beated me up again. I say again, because it happened a lo before. And so I went to the police and to the doctor and all that stuff....
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Cordel: O portal no meu dirio tem 7 msicas para baixar. A melhor "Na Veia" (No... no "Na Via" no.)
Dentre as bandas da onda de msica pernambucana surgidas nos ltimos vinte e poucos anos - a chamada "mangue beat" - as minhas favoritas so as mais carregadas de folclore, e no de interao com funk, rap, etc. Em particular, adoro a Mestre Ambrsio, liderada pelo meu amigo Siba e outro cara. Os dois tm tendncias dspares, o que explica a alternncia no abordagem (e at na qualidade) das msicas, alm da necessidade de discos solistas. Neste portal, podes ouvir o primeiro minuto de cada faixa, o que, s vezes, inconveniente porque algumas canes so mais heterogneas, com partes mais interessantes no meio...
Este outro portal uma espcie de guia de parte da msica local - mais o que interage com as vrias formas de rock.
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Acabou a bateria e eu nao consegui anotar o numero da tua casa! Vou te mandar os meus numeros em pvt, ok?
Ah, by the way, esqueci de comentar antes: se dando bem com o gringo, ham, ham? Hihihi!
Today is a holyday in my town, the city birthday, which allows me to stand in front of the pc and doing nothing.
Two weeks ago, joenobody were here, in his vacation, and we've met. We went to the Lca club here ( that means mad woman, and it's symbol is the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland), drunk...
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So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
Happy late Valentines Day!
Bom sou de Santos e estudo artes.E espero um dia ser uma grande pintora
So, I have good news. I got a new job, selling security systems, at the street, door to door. Sounds bad, but I really liked it, the folks at the company are really cool, I'll be with a long time friend at work, and I like to work on the streets, as long as it can make me tired,...
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diliiia! ahahaha
Well, I don't really know where you can find it. You live in Brazil? Well you can read about it here. And you can probably order it on, but you'll get the best deal here. I thought it was a pretty good movie, judging by your favorite movies, you'd probably like it too. Take care.
vc conhece a funhouse? onde vc mora? eu costumo ir pra l e at o carnaval eu to meio sem trampo e cheia de tempo livre, vamos combinar alguma coisa?
Lost the job, broke, and I have to leave the apartment until the end of january. I need a job, desperatly.
Have you already wished you were dead?
Por falar em c ( !!!), no meu primeiro dia nos EUA (h 10.5 anos), estava passeando na galeria de lojas da universidade quando entrei num corredor cheio de cartazes com a figura de um olho e a sigla... CU. Eu j me esqueci o que significava (no-sei-o-qu Union ?), mas foi uma das raras vezes que explodi rindo sozinho... em pblico.
Hormnios: mmmmmm!
Eu, cada dia piro da cabea.
[Edited on Dec 23, 2005 11:46PM]
Sabias que eu sou o dolo do teu amigo joo-ningum?
[Edited on Dec 23, 2005 11:48PM]